The DIY Couture collection is 10 stylish, easy to make piecesof clothing that can be endlessly reinvented in different fabrics,textures and colours. Anyone who enjoys sewing and creatingsomething unique will love using this book to make their owncouture wardrobe. The book begins with a Useful Techniques section,followed by Collections: inspirational photographs of the piecesstyled different ways. Next, each of the 10 garments, from aGoddess dress to a cool romper suit and hoody, is clearlyexplained, including a spread showing all the variations (e.g.fastenings, necklines and hems) possible for each garment. Finally,clear step by step illustrations and photographs show you how eachpiece is made. With no complex sewing patterns, even beginners atsewing can make their own beautiful clothes. With simple, visualinstructions and cool styling, DIY Couture will inspire people tojoin the handmade revolution. Where eco-fashion meets street style,this is the antithesis of fast-fashion. Absolutely no patternsrequired!