Product Dimensions: 34.4 x 3.5 x 25.5 cm Item Weight: 2.5 Kg Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Thames & Hudson Ltd (October 1, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0500519048 ISBN-13: 978-0500519042 Product Dimensions: 13.5 x 1.4 x 10 inches
Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Thames and Hudson Ltd; 01 edition (2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0500519048 ISBN-13: 978-0500519042 Product Dimensions: 24.5 x 3.4 x 33.5 cm 亚历山大·麦昆,出生于伦敦,英国著名的服装设计师,有坏孩子之称,被认为是英国的时尚教父。 1991年,进入圣·马丁艺术设计学院,获艺术系硕士学位。1992年,自创品牌。1993年起相继在英国、日本、意大利等国的服装公司工作。在伦敦的一次时装展中被《Vogue》的著名时装记者IsabellaBlow采访报导,使他从此走上国际舞台。1994年,担任圣·马丁艺术设计学院的裁缝教师。1996年,为法国著名的“纪梵希”(Givenchy)设计室设计成衣系列。1997年,取代John Galliano担任Givenchy这法国顶尖品牌的首席设计师。1998年,他设计的“纪梵希’99春/秋时装展”在巴黎时装周上获得一致好评。 麦昆是时尚圈不折不扣的鬼才,他的设计总是妖异出位,充满天马行空的创意,极具戏剧性。他的作品常以狂野的方式表达情感力量、天然能量、浪漫但又决绝的现代感,具有很高的辨识度。他总能将两极的元素融入一件作品之中,比如柔弱与强力、传统与现代、严谨与变化等等。细致的英式定制剪裁、精湛的法国高级时装工艺和完美的意大利手工制作都能在其作品中得以体现。另外,Alexander McQueen充满创意的时装表演,更被多位时装评论家誉为是当今最具吸引力的时装表演。 Alexander McQueen has grasped the public's imagination like few other fashion designers before him, with exhibitions dedicated to his work continuing to attract record visitor numbers. Almost 500,000 people visited the V&A's 2015 'Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty' exhibition, making it the most popular in the museum's history. Opening with a brief essay on the designer's work, Alexander McQueen: Unseen unfolds chronologically. Each collection is introduced by a concise text by Claire Wilcox, one of the foremost experts on the McQueen's work, revisiting the designer's most iconic creations across his entire career and revealing previously unseen behind- the-scenes moments that capture models, hairdressers, stylists, make-up artists and Alexander McQueen himself at their most candid and creative. Robert Fairer's stunning and high-energy photographs, all previously unpublished, capture the glamour, grit and spirit that made McQueen's flamboyant shows unique. A treasure-trove of inspiration, they make this publication a must-have reference for fashion and photography lovers alike.