大师中国绘(英文版)为国画大师献给5—8岁孩子们的传统系列,本套系为杨永青先生特辑。女娲补天为其中一册,神话传说女娲补天既是青读者感兴趣的故事,又是他们阅读中国传统经典的篇目。本书故事以“女娲补天”为蓝本,配以杨永青先生的精美、古典的画作,生动与美感兼具,给孩子以文学、美学双重滋养。此外,故事之后的延伸阅读,与故事相关的传说、成语典故等,能够帮助读者更深入地了解中国传统,多角度提升海内外读者对中国传统的了解和喜爱。 thi book tell the tory of how a de named nüwa patched the ky. after nüwa created human being two fought one day cauing the big pillar hol up the ky to break in the middle. the ky cracked and a big hole appeared. the river from heaven poured down and flooded the earth making the human being uffer. nüwa determined to mend the ky uing tone of five color.