For more than two decades, players have lead the zerg, protoss, and terrans into battle for galactic dominance in StarCraft, StarCraft II, and multiple campaign expansions. The Cinematic Art of StarCraft offers a detailed view into the history and philosophy of Blizzard’s revolutionary cinematics team. Focusing on the craft and storytelling of cinematics and filled with anecdotes from the creators, The Cinematic Art of StarCraft gives fans a unique peek into the cinematics that have wowed millions of fans across the Koprulu sector. 罗伯特·布鲁克斯是暴雪娱乐的编剧,参与过《星际争霸》《暗黑破坏神》《守望先锋》等知名游戏系列。 暴雪娱乐是游戏软件开发及发行业界的佼佼者,这家声名显赫的企业一手打造出多部业界重磅佳作,其中包括商业成绩火爆的《魔兽世界》《魔兽争霸》《星际争霸》及《暗黑破坏神》系列。暴雪娱乐迄今已推出十余款顶尖游戏作品,并多次将年度游戏奖项收入囊中。