作者 Harris, Joanne Chocolat Jacobs 著;Robert Nelson;Hallstrom, Lasse
出版社 Oversea Publishing House
出版时间 2001-01
版次 1
ISBN 9780786886845
定价 66.00元
装帧 平装
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 182页
When a mysteriouS stranger and her child arrive in a tranquil French town in the winter of 1959.nobody can imagine the impact the striking Vianne Rocher and her spirited daughter will have on this old—fashioned,buttoned-up Community.Within days Vianne opens a very Unusual chocolate shop,filled with mouthwatering confections.Her uncanny,almost magical ability to perceive her customers’private desires and satisry them with.just thee right confection coaxes the villagers to abandon themselves to temptation and happiness.But it is noc until another stranger.the handsome Roux.arriyes in town that she is finally able to recognize her OWtl desires.