born in beijing li ju i a freelance photographer and writer and a member of the china great wall ociety. during hi travel he ha undertaken much reearch and tudy into a variety of hitorical image. in recent year he became dedicated to exploring the location of the cene in old photograph and retaking them in the area of the great wall and the loe teau in northwetern china.
in july 2009 hi photography exhibition ‘a glime of the wetern united tate‘ wa held in the canon gallery beijing
in eptember 2009 hi photo ‘yangguan pa‘ won the gold award in the firt ‘photography petition of the great wall‘
in december 2009 the photo exhibition ‘one century one moment‘ inclu hi photographic work wa held by the beijing folk mueum ninga library and hanghai library
from augut to december 2009 following hi exploration a fourepiode documentary ‘through haan and ganu‘ wa produced by the ‘witne ~ dicovery‘ program of ; it wa premiered on 1 and later rebroadcat on 4 and documentary channel
in april 2010 invited by the terling and francine clark art intitute ytematically reearched organized and explored hitorical information about the clark expedition
in july 2010 publihed the article ‘one century encounter with through henkan‘ in the chinee national geography
from augut 911 2010 three epiode of the tv program ‘retracing the journey to haan and ganu‘ which were baed on hi interview with the ‘impreion of ninga‘ program broadcated by ninga tv
in eptember 2010 jointly organized and diyed photograph in the exhibition ‘paing through haan and ganu‘ in wuhan mueum