The Toyota Way Fieldbook is a companion to the international bestseller The Toyota Way. The Toyota Way Fieldbook builds on the philosophical aspects of Toyota's operating systems by detailing the concepts and providing practical examples for application that leaders need to bring Toyota's success-proven practices to life in any organization. The Toyota Way Fieldbook will help other companies learn from Toyota and develop systems that fit their unique cultures.
JEFFREY K.LIKER, the author of the bestselling The Toyota Way, is Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering and cofounder and Director of the Japan Technology Management Program at the University of Michigan. His work has appeared in The Harvard
Part Ⅰ Learning from Toyota
1.Background to the Fieldbook
Why The Toyota Way Fieldbook?
How the Book Is Organized
Overview of the Toyota Way Principles
How to Use This Book
Part Ⅱ Why Does Your Company Exist?
2.Define Your Corporate Philosophy and Begin to Live It
What Is Your Company's Philosophy?
A Sense of Purpose Inside and Out
Creating Your Philosophy
Living Your Philosophy
Making a Social Pact with Employees and Partners
Maintaining Continuity of Purpose
Part Ⅲ Creating Lean Processes Throughout Your Enterprise
3.Starting the Journey of Waste Reduction
Lean Means Eliminating Waste
Developing a Long-Term Philosophy of Waste Reduction
Value Stream Mapping Approach
Benefits of the Value Stream Mapping Approach
Developing a Current State Map
Understand Your Objectives When Mapping the Current State
Limitations of the Value Stream Mapping Approach
Creating Flow Step by Step
Sequential and Concurrent Continuous Improvement
4.Create Initial Process Stability
First Get to Basic Stability
Indicators of Instability
Clearing the Clouds
Objectives of Stability
Strategies to Create Stability
Identify and Eliminate Large Waste
Standing in the Circle Exercise
Standardized Work as a Tool to Identify and Eliminate Waste
5S and Workplace Organization
Consolidate Waste Activities to Capture Benefits
Improve Operational Availability
Reduce Variability by Isolating It
Level the Workload to Create a Foundation for
Flow and Standardization
5.Create Connected Process Flow
One-Piece Flow Is the Ideal Why Flow?
Less Is More: Reduce Waste by Controlling Overproduction
Strategies to Create Connected Process Flow
Single-Piece Flow
Key Criteria for Achieving Flow
Complex Flow Situations
Pull in a Custom Manufacturing Environment
Creating Pull Between Separate Operations
Flow, Pull, and Eliminate Waste
6.Establish Standardized Processes and Procedures
Is Standardization Coercive?
Standardized Work or Work Standards?
Objective of Standardization
Strategies to Establish Standardized Processes and Procedures
7.Leveling:Be More Like the Tortoise Than the Hare
8.Build a Culture That Stops to Fix Problems
9.Make Technology Fit with People and Lean Processes
Part Ⅳ Develop Exceptional People and Partners
10.Develop Leaders Who Live Your System and Culture from Top to Bottom
11.Develop Exceptional Team Associates
12.Develop Suppliers and Partners as Extensions of the Enterprise
Part Ⅴ Root Cause Problem Solving for Continuous Learning
13.Problem Solving the Toyota Way
14.Develop a Thorough Understanding of the Situation and Define the Problem
15.Complete a Thorough Root Cause Analysis
16.Consider Alternative Solutions While Building Consensus