Unlike other cygnets, Louis, thetrumpeter swan, cannot utter a sound. But with the encouragement ofhis father, Louis sets out to overcome his problem. One way ofdoing this Louis decides, is to learn to read and write and so hesets off to Montana to find his friend Sam Beaver. Louis goes toschool with him and learns to read and write, but when he returnsto the lakes and falls in love with the beautiful Serena, he isupset that Serena can't read his sign, which says 'I love you'.Once again his parents are determined to help him find a new way ofexpressing himself and it is his father who dreams up the brilliantsolution that will put Louis firmly on the path to success andfulfilment. 童话里写的一只小吹号天鹅,却是一只生下来就发不出声音的哑天鹅。为了说出自己的想法,路易斯学会了在石板上写字.可是其他天鹅是不认字的,路易斯还是没办法向它心爱的雌天鹅倾诉衷肠。为了帮助路易斯,天鹅爸爸从乐器店里偷来了小号.路易斯练了一遍又一遍,终于从小号里吹出了心底深处的歌。乐声不仅打动了塞蕾娜,也赢得了人们的尊敬与赞赏。这是一只生下来就有不能发声这一致命缺陷的天鹅和命运抗争的故事,是它克服种种困难到获得成功的故事。 这本书出版以后得到不少好评。美国当代大作家厄普代克把怀特的三部童话归于儿童文学经典作品之列,并认为《吹小号的天鹅》写得“最无拘束,娓娓而谈”,“它的故事给了小朋友一个最有说服力的关于成长的寓言”。
E. B. White was born in the USA. He travelled about trying allsorts of jobs before he joined the New Yorker magazine and became awriter. In 1970 he was awarded the prestigious Laura Ingalls WilderMedal for Stuart Little and Charlotte's Web and in honour of hisoutstanding contribution to children's literature. E. B. White diedin 1985.