第二节 开胃菜 一、菠菜脆角 (Spinach bureks) 二、苹果虾配香辣吐司汁(Apple-flavored shrimps with spicy mayonnaise) 三、蟹肉酥饼配蒜香红椒汁 (Crab cracker with garlic-flavored red pepper sauce) 四、蔬菜沙拉刨冰 (Salad ice) 五、尼斯沙拉 (Nicoise salad) 六、时蔬配吐司少司 (Seasonal vegetables with mayonnaise sauce) 七、鳎鱼柳配鞑靼汁 (Sole fillets with gartare sauce) 八、华尔道夫沙拉 (Waldorf salad) 九、奶酪填馅蘑菇 (Stuffed mushroom with cheese) 十、意大利烟熏火腿配哈密瓜球 (Prosciutto and cantaloupe balls) 十一、餐前三文鱼拼盘(Salmon platter) 十二、南瓜慕丝配芒果球吐司片(Pumpkin mousse with mango balls and toast) 十三、阿拉斯加帝王蟹香醋姜汁啫喱配红西柚泡沫(Alaska king crab and balsamic vinegar and ginger jelly with red grapefruit foam) 十四、朝鲜蓟蒜茸沙拉 (Garlic-flavored artichoke salad) 十五、马铃薯煎蛋卷(Potato omelette) 十六、主厨沙拉(Chef salad) 十七、恺撒沙拉(Caesar salad) 十八、三文鱼批(Salmon terrine) 十九、鳄梨沙拉(Avocado salad) 二十、菊苣配羊奶酪(Chicory with lamb cheese) 二十一、果蔬三文鱼 (Fruit and vegetable salad with salmon) 二十二、水果沙拉三文鱼 (Fruit salad with salmon) 二十三、什锦刺身 (Sashimi combo) 二十四、船型鳄梨配鲜虾 (Prawns with avocado) 二十五、荷兰酱汁芦笋 (Asparagus in hollandaise sauce)
第三节 汤菜 一、罗宋汤(Borscht) 二、蟹肉马铃薯浓汤(Potato soup with crab ) 三、芦笋奶油汤(Asparagus cream soup) 四、法式洋葱汤 (French-style onion soup) 五、维亚纳蔬菜汤 (Viennese-style vegetable broth) 六、朝鲜蓟蒜茸汤(Artichoke and garlic soup) 七、甜菜冷汤(Cold beetroot soup) 八、西班牙番茄冷汤(Gazpacho) 九、海鲜周打汤(Seafood chowder) 十、姜汁胡萝卜牛肉汤(Ginger-flavored beef soup with carrot) 十一、法式龙虾汤(French-style lobster soup) 十二、意大利蔬菜汤(Italian-style vegetable soup) 十三、奶油南瓜汤 (pumpkin cream soup) 十四、意式云吞蘑菇汤 (Mushroom and tortellini soup) 十五、咖喱防风草浓汤(Parsnip soup with curry) 十六、朝鲜蓟汤配松露奶油(Artichoke soup with truffle cream) 十七、奶油芦笋汤配羊肚菌和白芝士(Asparagus cream soup with morels and cheddar cheese) 十八、法式蘑菇杂烩汤(French-style mushroom soup) 十九、塔索火腿汤(Tasso ham soup) 二十、安祖辣椒猪肩肉汤(Braised pork shoulder soup with chile ancho) 二十一、胡萝卜奶油汤(Cream of carrot soup) 二十二、青豆奶油汤(Green beans cream soup) 二十三、玉米蟹肉汤(Corn and crab soup) 二十四、扁豆蔬菜汤(Lentil and vegetable soup) 二十五、英格兰蛤肉汤(England clam soup)
第四节 水产品类 一、吉列大虾(Fried prawns) 二、香煎三文鱼(Sauteed salmon) 三、干煎龙利鱼(Sole meunière) 四、酥皮三文鱼(Salmon pie) 五、芝士焗扇贝(Baked scallops with cheese) 六、藏红花烩海鲜(Stewed seafood with saffron) 七、泰式咖喱皇炒蟹(Thai-style fried crab in curry sauce) 八、香煎鳕鱼配柠檬汁(Sauteed cod with lemon sauce) 九、烩比目鱼配荷兰汁(Flatfish with hollandaise sauce) 十、焖鱼柳配刁其利汁(Fillets with duglere sauce) 十一、海鲜鱼肉卷(Cod rolls with stuffing) 十二、缤纷龙利鱼柳(Sole bonne femme) 十三、吉列龙利鱼柳配鞑靼汁(Fried sole fillets with tartar sauce) 十四、油浸海鲈鱼(Weever confit) 十五、海鲜鱼肉蔬菜塔(Topped vegetable base with fish) 十六、法式焗海鲈鱼(French-style baked weever) 十七、咖喱辣椒焗肉蟹(Baked crab with chili and curry) 十八、格勒诺布尔煎龙利鱼(Fried sole in qrenobloise style) 十九、白葡萄酒汁烩鲈鱼(Braised weever with white wine sauce) 二十、番茄酱汁烩比目鱼(Braised flatfish with tomato sauce) 二十一、鲱鱼水果串 (Herring and fruit skewers) 二十二、低温烹煮煎三文鱼 (Low-temperature cooked and shallow-fried salmon) 二十三、水波蛋银鳕鱼 (Fried cod with soft-boiled egg) 二十四、蒜茸大虾乳鸽伴侣 (Garlic-flavored prawns with squab) 二十五、蒜茸烤扇贝 (Roasted scallops with garlic)
第五节 畜类 一、黑胡椒牛扒(Steaks with black pepper sauce) 二、汉堡牛扒(Hanburger steak) 三、贝尔西牛扒(Bercy steak) 四、罗西尼牛扒(Tournedos rossini) 五、扒牛小排(Grilled steaks) 六、脆皮芝士猪排(Fried pork steak with cheese) 七、法式烩小牛腿(Braised veal leg) 八、匈牙利烩牛肉(Hungarian-style beef goulash) 九、红酒烩牛肉(Braised beef with red wine) 十、秘制煎猪排配芥末汁(Fried pork steak with mustard sauce) 十一、维也纳炸牛肉片(Vienna-style fried beef slices) 十二、波尔多烤羊肉(Bordeaux-style roast lamb) 十三、啤酒焖猪里脊(Pork tenderloin with beer sauce) 十四、法式煎羊排配蒜香奶油汁(French-style fried lamb steak with creamy garlic sauce) 十五、马伦戈烩小牛肉(Veal marengo) 十六、威灵顿牛排(Beef wellington) 十七、泰式酸辣烤肉(Thai-style roast pork with chili sauce) 十八、红咖喱牛肉(Beef with red curry sauce) 十九、香草烤羊柳(Roast lamb fillets with herbs) 二十、德式烤猪肘(German-style roasted pork knuckle) 二十一、猪腰鸡尾杯 (Pig kidney cocktail) 二十二、巴黎西冷牛排卷 (Sirloin steak rolls) 二十三、黑椒蒜香T骨牛排 (T-bone steak with black pepper and garlic) 二十四、泰式牛肉炒意面 (Thai-style fried spaghetti with beef) 二十五、黑椒蒜香羊排 (Lamb steak with black pepper and garlic)
第六节 禽类 一、地中海香草扒鸡(Mediterranean-style grilled chicken with herbs) 二、沙爹鸡肉(Chicken satay) 三、意大利酿鸡脯(Italian-style stuffed chicken breast) 四、法式橙汁烤鸭(French-style roasted duck with orange sauce) 五、泰式青咖喱鸡(Thai-style green curry chicken) 六、意式五彩炒鸡肉球(Italian-style chicken with bell peppers and black olives) 七、香草烤鸡翅(Roast chicken wings with herbs) 八、酒焖子鸡(Braised chicken with wine ) 九、西班牙藏红花焖鸡饭(Spanish-style rice with chicken and saffron) 十、蓝带炸鸡 (chicken cordon blue ) 十一、苏格兰烤酿鸡腿(Scottish-style baked stuffed chicken legs ) 十二、比利时啤酒烩鸡(Belgian-style chicken in beer sauce) 十三、鸡肉蘑菇酥盒(Mushroom vol-au-vent) 十四、鸡肉卷配红酒汁(Chicken rolls with red wine sauce) 十五、原汁烤鸡(Roast chicken with gravy) 十六、香煎肥鹅肝(Pan-fried goose livers) 十七、炸手指鸡柳(Deep-fried chicken fingers) 十八、法式腌烤春鸡(French-style roast spring chicken) 十九、猎户式扒鸡 (Chasseur grilled chicken) 二十、巴斯克烩鸡 (Basque-style braised chicken) 二十一、意式番茄橄榄烩鸡 (Italian –style braised chicken with tomatoes and olives) 二十二、西班牙式多香鸡 (Spanish-style braised chicken) 二十三、柠檬烤鸡 (Roasted chicken with lemon) 二十四、鼠尾草火腿小煎鸡 (Fried chicken with ham and sage) 二十五、煎鸭脯配苹果酒少司 (Fried chicken breasts with cider sauce)
第七节 餐后甜点 一、杏仁拿破仑酥(Napoleon cake with almond) 二、香橙可丽慕斯(Orange mousse) 三、巧克力慕斯(Chocolate mousse) 四、香橙果酱瑞士卷(Swiss rolls with orange jam) 五、巧克力甜圈配什锦干果(Chocolate donuts with nutlets) 六、巧克力海绵蛋糕(Chocolate sponge cake) 七、奶油水果泡芙 (Fruit cream puff) 八、卢瓦尔河谷干白葡萄酒烩雪梨(Braise pears with loire valley dry white wine) 九、香蕉面包(Banana bread) 十、橄榄马卡龙(Olive macarons) 十一、腰果酥饼(Cashew nuts cookie) 十二、番茄水果啫喱(Tomato and fruit jelly) 十三、马斯卡彭芝士烤布雷(Mascarpone brulee) 十四、樱桃派(Cherry pie) 十五、橙汁斑克 (Crepe suzette) 十六、意式香草奶油布丁配蜜柚奶酪(Vanilla and grapefruit pudding with cranberry Jelly) 十七、香茅布丁配斐济香茶西米(Lemongrass pudding with fiJi-tea-flavored pearl sago) 十八、树胶蜂蜜奶油配原生蜂胶(Acacia, honey and cream jelly with propolis) 十九、红天鹅蛋糕(Red velvet cake) 二十、花生巧克力黄油手卷(Cone with peanut, chocolate and butter stuffing) 二十一、杏仁塔 (Tarte almonds) 二十二、青苹果雪芭(Green apple sorbet) 二十三、草莓冰淇淋(Strawberry ice cream) 二十四、青柠芭菲奶油配樱桃糖浆酿杏肉(Lime parfait with apricot boiled in cherry syrup) 二十五、南瓜慕斯配黄油吐司(Pumpkin mousse with toast)