David thought he was alone, that the ocean around him was all there was of the world. The wind screamed, the waves towered, and his boat, the twenty-two foot fiberglass FROG, skidded and bucked and, each moment, filled deeper and grew heavier with sea water. David thought surely he was dead at fourteen. His uncle Owen, who had taught him about sailing safely, would be so angry. Owen had died only days ago, his last wish for David to take the FROG out on his own, and sail her beyond sight of the coast, and once there scatter Owen's ashes. David had done this the evening before, but he hadn't thought of a storm roaring across the Pacific, or of the terror of being alone later in the dark hundreds of miles from home and his parents, alone with no radio or flares and little food. He hadn't thought of a shark attacking, or of the four killer whales, or the oil tanker large as a city about to sink him and the FROG. . . But in fact, David wasn't alone at all. He'd had the FROG as a partner from the first -- his uncle's guiding spirit. He had only to learn that. 大卫的叔叔欧文因癌症去世,把自己的帆船——青蛙号留给了十四岁的大卫。临终前欧文留下遗愿,希望大卫能乘着青蛙号帆船把自己的骨灰撒在大海。 为了完成欧文的遗愿,仍然陷在失去亲人悲痛中的大卫并没有事先计划并做好充分的准备,便独自驾驶青蛙号帆船在夜间启航前往大海。在大卫完成叔叔的遗愿正要返航时,青蛙号遇上了凶猛的太平洋风暴。 由于这场意料之外的海洋风暴,大卫独自一人被困在离家几百英里的茫茫大海中,遭遇鲨鱼和虎鲸的袭击,差点撞上巨大的邮轮而葬身大海,没有充足的水和食物,没有方向,也无法与外界进行通讯。 在这趟青蛙号的航程中,大卫正在面临的是他人生中第一个巨大的挑战。他是否能够渡过难关并驾驶青蛙号安全抵达海岸?
Gary Paulsen is the distinguished author of many critically acclaimed books for young people. His most recent books are Flat Broke, Liar, Liar, Lawn Boy Returns, Woods Runner, Notes from the Dog, Mudshark, Lawn Boy, Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day, The Time Hackers, and The Amazing Life of Birds (The Twenty Day Puberty Journal of Duane Homer Leech).