12岁的男孩马修,因为父亲的关系到了囚禁着许多重刑犯的恶魔岛——阿卡拉岛。来到恶魔岛之后,马修不仅必须遵从典狱长严厉的规矩,还要忍受典狱长女儿派佩儿的指使,还得照顾永远长不大的姐姐……种种错综复杂的事情交织在一起,使他竟然和黑帮老大卡彭打起了交道,并因此惹出了许多麻烦,但也带来了令全家人最为快乐的消息……作者以幽默有趣的叙事笔调,扣人心弦的情节设计,以及对于成长和特殊教育的理解,给读者留下了耐人寻味的思索。 Murderers, mob bosses, and convicts . . . these guys are notyour average neighbors. Unless you live on Alcatraz. It’s 1935 andtwelve-year-old Moose Flanagan and his family have just moved tothe infamous island that’s home to criminals like notorious escapeeRoy Gardner, Machine Gun Kelly, and of course, Al Capone. Now Moosehas to try to fit in at his new school, avoid getting caught up inone of the warden’s daughter’s countless plots, and keep an eye onhis sister Natalie, who’s not like other kids. All Moose wants todo is protect Natalie, live up to his parents’ expectations, andstay out of trouble. But on Alcatraz, trouble is never very faraway.