Name: Naoto Nagaosa The Univ. of Tokyo, Nagaosa Lab. Research Field: Condensed matter theory Major Accomplishments, Prizes: 1995The 9th Japan IBM Science Award 1995Nishinomiya Yukawa memorial prize 1998The 2nd Superconductivity Science and Technology Award 2004The 11th Nissan Science Award 2005The 51th Nishina Memorial Prize Social Activities: Co-Editor of "Europhysics Letters", Invited numerous international conferences, Editor of "Kotaibutsuri". Education & Professional Experience: Mar. 1980B. S. , Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo Feb. 1983Postgraduate, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo Feb. 1983Research Associate, Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), University of Tokyo June 1986Ph. D. , Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo Oct. 1986Research Associate, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo June 1989Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo Sep. 1991Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo Aug. 1998 - presentProfessor, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2008Team Leader, Theory Team, Correlated Electron Research Center (CERC), AIST Oct. 2007 - presentTeam Leader, Theoretical Design Team, Cross-Correlated Materials Research Group (CMRG), Advanced Science Institute (ASI), RIKEN Apr. 2010 - presentTeam Leader, Strong-Correlation Theory Research Team, Correlated Electron Research Group (CERG), Advanced Science Institute (ASI), RIKEN Publications: 1. Y. Taguchi, Y. Oohara, H. Yoshizawa, N. Nagaosa, and Y.Tokura, "Spin Chirality, Berry Phase, and Anomalous Hall Effect in a Frustrated Ferromagnet" Science, 291, 2573 (2001) 2. Y. Tokura and N. Nagaosa, "Orbital Physics in Transition-Metal Oxides" Science, 288, 462 (2000). 3. S. Ishihara, M. Yamanaka, and N. Nagaosa, "Orbital Liquid in La1-xSrxMnO3" Phys. Rev. B, 56(2), 686-692 (1997). 4. N. Nagaosa and P. A. Lee, "Kondo Effect in High-Tc Cuprates" Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3755-3758 (1997). 5. A. Furusaki, and N. Nagaosa, "Kondo Effect in a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid" Phys. Rev. Lett., 72(6), 892-895 (1994). 6. T. Sugiyama, and N. Nagaosa, "Localization in a Random Magnetic Field in 2D" Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 1980-1983 (1993). 7. T. Ogawa, A. Furusaki, and N. Nagaosa, "Fermi-Edge Singularity in One-Dimensional Systems" Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3638-3641 (1992). 8. N. Nagaosa, and P. A. Lee, "Ginzburg-Landau Theory of the Spin-Charge Separated System" Phys. Rev. B 45, 966-970 (1992). 9. N. Nagaosa, and P. A. Lee, "Normal State Properties of the Uniform Resonating-Valence-Bond State" Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2450-2453 (1990).