Preface xvll CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Abstract Data Types ADT Format 1.2 C++ Classes and Abstract Types Encapsulatlon and Information Hidlng Message Passing 1.3 Objecls in C++ Appllcatlons Applicatlon: The Circle Class 1.4 Oblect Design Objects and Composltion C++ Geometric Classes Objects and Inherltance Inheritance In Frogrammlng Ordered Llsts and Inheritance Software Reusability SeqLlst and OrderedLlsl Class Speclfications 1.5 Applicatlons with Class Inherltance 1.6 Object-Oriented Program Design Problem Analysis/Program Definition Deslgn Coding Tesllng Program Deslgn Illustratlon: A Dlce Graph 1.7 Program Testlng and Malnlenance Object Testlng Contrul Module Testing Program Malntenance and Documentation 1.8 The C++ Programming Language 1.9 Abstract Base Classes and Polymorphism Polymorphlsm and Dynamic Binding Written Exerclses CHAPTER2 BASIC DATA TYMS 2.1 IntegerTypes Computer Storage of Integers Data In Memory C++ Representatlon of Integers 2.2 Character Types ASCIl Characlers 2.3 Real Data Types Real Number Representatlons 2.4 Enumerated Types Implementing C++ Enumerated Types 2.5 Pointers Pointer ADT l'olnter Values 2.6 The Array Type the Buill-In C++ Array Type Sloragc of One-Dimcnslonal Arrays Array Bounds Two-Dlmensional Arrays Storage of Two-Dimenslonal Arrays 2.7 String Literals and Variables C++ Strings Appllcallon: Reverslng Names 2.8 Records C++ Structures 2.9 Files C++ Stream Hlerarchy 2.10 Array and Record Appllcations Sequentlal Seareh Exchange Sort Counting C++ Reserved Words Wrltten Exercises ProgrammlIlg Exerclses CHAPTER 3 ABSTRACT DATA TYPES AND CLASSES 3.1 The User Type CLASS Class Declaration Constructor Object Declarallon Class Implementatlon Implementing a Constructor Bulldlng Objects 3.2 Sample Classes The Temperature Class The Random Number Class 3.3 Oblects and Information Passlng An Object as a Return Value An Object as a Function Parameter 3.4 Arrays of Objects The Default Conslructor 3.5 Multlple Constructors 3.6 Case Study: Triangular Matrices llpper Triangular Matrlx Properties Written Exerclses Programming Exereises CHAPTER 4 COLLECTION CLASSES 4.1 Describing Llnear Collectlons Dlrecl Access Collections Sequentlal Access Collectlons Generalized Indexing 4.2 Describing Nonlinear Collectlons Group Collectlons 4.3 Analysls of Algorllhms Performance Crlteria Common Orders of Magnltude 4.4 The Sequential and Blnary Search Blnary Search 4.5 The Baslc Sequentlal List Class List Modincatlon Melhods Wrlllen Exerclses Programming Exerclses CHAPTER 5 STACKS AND QUEUES 5.1 Stacks 5.2 The Stack Class 5.3 Expression Evaluation Postfix Evaluation Appllcatlon: A Posttlx Calculator 5.4 Queues 5.5 The Oueue Class 5.6 Prlorlty Queues A Prlorlty Queue Class 5.7 Case Study: Event-Drlven Slmulalion Wrltten Exerclses Programmlng Exerclses CHAPTER 6 ABSTRACT OPERATORS 6.1 Describlng Operator Overloading Client-Defined External Functlons Class Members Frlend Functlons 6.2 Rational Number System Representlng Ratlonal Numbers Ratlonal Number Arithtnetlc Ralional Number Converslon 6.3 The Ratlonal Class 6.4 Ratlonal Operators as Member Funclions Implemenllng the Ratlonal Operators 6.5 The Ratlonal Stream Operators as Friends Implementlng Ratlonal Stream Operators 6.6 Converting Rational Numbers Conversion to Object Type Converslon from Object Type 6.7 Using Ratlonal Numbers Wrltten Exerclses Programmlng Exerclses CHAPTER 7 OENERIC DATA TYPES 7.1 Template Functlons Template-Based Sort 7.2 Template Classes Deflning a Template Class Declaring Template Class Oblects Defining Tcmplate Class Methods 7.3 Template Llst Classes 7.4 Infix Expression Evaluatlon Wrltten Exerclses Programming Exercises CHAPTER 8 CLASSES AND DYNAMIC MEMORY 8.1 Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures The Memory Allocation Operator New Dynamlc Array Allocatlon The Memory Deallocatlon Operator Delete 8.2 Dynamlcally Allocated Oblecte Deallocatlng Object Data: The Destructor 8.3 Asslgnment and Inltlaltzatlon Asslgnment Issues Overloadlng the Assignment Operator The Thls Polnter Inltlallzatlon Issues Creating a Copy Constructor 8.4 Safe Arrays The Array Class Memory Allocatlon for the Array Class Array Bounds Checklng and the Overloaded 1] Operator Convertlng an Object to a Polnter Using the Array Class 8.5 A Strlng Class String Class Implemenlation 8.6 Pattern Matehlng The Flnd Process Pattern Matchlng Algorlthm Analysls of the Pattern Matchlng Algorlthm 8.7 Integral Sets Sets of Integral Types C++ Blt Handllng Operators Representlng Set Elements The Sleve of Eratosthenes Set Class Implementatlon Wrltten Exereises Programmlng Exerclses CHAPTER9 LINKIDLISTS Descrlbing a Llnked Llst Chapter 9 Overvlew 9.1 The Node Class Declarlng a Node Type Implementlng the Node Class 9.2 Bulldlng Llnked Llsts Creating a Node Insertlng a Node: InsertFront Traversing a Llnked Llst Insertlng a Node: InsertRear Appllcatlon: Student Graduatlon Llst Creatlng an Ordered Llst Appllcation: Sortlng wlth Llnked Llsts 9.3 Deslgnlng a Llnked List Class Llnked Llst Data Members Llnked List Operatlons 9.4 The LlnkedLlst Class 9.5 Implementlng the LinkedList Class 9.6 Implementlng Collectlons wlth Llnked Lists Llnked Queues Implementlng Queue Methods Llnked SeqLlst Class Implementlng SeqLlst Data Access Methods Appllcation: Comparlng SeqLlst Implementations 9.7 Case Study: A Prlnt Spooler Implementing the Spooler Update Method Spooler Evaluation Methods 9.8 Clreular Llsts Clrcular Node Class Implementation Appllcatlon: Solvlng the Josephus Problem 9.9 Doubly Llnked Lista Appllcation: Doubly Linked List Sort DNode Class Implementation 9.10 Case Study: Wlndow Management The Wlndow Llst WindowList Class Implementatlon Writlen Exerclses Programmlng Exercises CHAPTCR 10 RECURSION 10.1 The Concept of Recurslon Recurslve Deflnltions Recursive Problems 10.2 Deslgnlng Recurslve Functlons 10.3 Recursive Code and the Runtlme Stack The Runtlme Stack 10.4 Problem-Solvlng wlth Recurslon Blnary Search Combinatorics: The Commlttee Problem Combinalorlcs: Permutations Maze Handllng Maze Class Implementatlon 10.5 Evaluatlng Recurslon Wrlllen Exerclses Programmlng Exerclses CHAPTER 11 TREES Tree Termlnology Binary Trees 11.1 Binary Tree Structure Deslgning a TreeNode Class Bulldlng a Blnary Tree 11.2 Deslgnlng TreeNode Funclions Recursive Tree Traversals 11.3 Uslng Tree Scan Algorlthms Application: Vlsitlng Tree Nodes Appllcation: Tree Prlnt Appllcation: Copyfng and Delellng Trees Applicatlon: Upright Tree Prlnting 11.4 Blnary Search Trees The Key in a Blnary Search Tree Node Operatlons on a Blnary Search Tree Declaring a Blnary Search Tree ADT 11.5 LIsing Binary Search Trees Duplicate Nodes 11.6 The BlnSTree Implementation List Operations 11.7 Case Study: Concordance Written Exercises Programming Exercises CHAPTER 12 INHERITANCE AND ABSTRACT CLASSES 12.1 A Vlew of Inheritance Class Inherltance Termlnology 12.2 Inheritance In C++ Constructors and Derived Classes What Cannot Be Inherited 12.3 Polymorphism and Vlrtual Functlons Demonstratlng Polymorphlsm Appllcation: Geometrlc Figures and Virtual Methods Virtual Melhods and the Destructor 12.4 Abstract Base Classes Abstract Base Class-List Derlvlng SeqLlst from Abstract Base Class List 12.5 Iterators The Iterator Abstract Base Class Derlving Llst Iterators Building the SeqLlst Iterator Array Iterator Applicatlon: Merglng Sorted Runs Arraylterator Implementatlon 12.6 Ordered Llsts OrderedLlst Class Implementatlon 12.7 Heterogeneous Llsts Heterogeneous Arrays Heterogeneous Linked Lists Wrltten Exercises Programmlng Exerelses CHAPTER 13 ADVANCED NONLINEAR STRUCTURES 13.1 Array-Based Binary Trees Appllcation: The Tournament Sort 13.2 Heaps The Heap as a List The Heap Class 13.3 Implementlng the Heap Class Appllcatlon: Heap Sort 13.4 Priorlty Queues Appllcation: Long Runs 13.5 AVLTrees AVL Tree Nodes 13.6 The AVL Tree Class Memory Allocation for the AVLTree Evaluatlng AVL Trees 13.7 Trce Iterators The Inorder Iterator Inorderlteralor Class Implementatlon Appllcation: TreeSort 13.8 Graphs Connected Components 13.9 The Graph Class Declaring a Graph ADT Graph Class Implementatlon Graph Traversals Appllcatlons Reachabillty and Warshall's Algorlthm Writlen Exercises Programmlng Exercises CHAPTER 14 ORGANIZING COLLECTIONS 14.1 Baslc Array Sortlng Algorithms The Selection Sort The Bubble Sorl The Insertion Sort 14.2 OuickSort OulckSort Descrlption OuickSort Algorithm Comparison of Array Sort Algorithms 14.3 Hashing Keys and a Hash Function Hashing Functions Other Hash Methods Colllslon Resolutlon 14.4 Hash Table Class Appllcation: Strlng Frequency HashTable Class Implementation HashTableIterator Class Implementation 14.5 The Performance of Searching Methods 14.6 Blnary Flles and External Data Operatlons Binary Flles The BlnFlle Class External Flle Searching External Flle Sort Long Run MergeSort 14.7 Dictionarles Writlen Exerclses Programming Exercises APPENDIX ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES BIBLIOGRAPHY