作者 Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Fern Bisel Peat
出版社 Dover Publications
出版时间 2011-10
版次 1
ISBN 9780486483696
定价 120.00元
装帧 其他
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 96页
字数 200千字
Robert Louis Stevenson's "Happy Thought" betokens all the joy and wonder of A Child's Garden of Verses. The poetic musings of this well-loved classic recapture childhood mysteries that range from the everyday rituals of home ("The Land of Nod," "Escape at Bedtime," and "My Bed Is a Boat") to the curiosities of a wider world ("Foreign Lands," "Pirate Story," and "Where Go the Boats?"). This reproduction of a 1940 publication is enriched by 67 wistful illustrations, 16 of them in full color, by noted children's book illustrator Fern Bisel Peat. An exclusive CD accompanies the volume, allowing kids to read along with the recording, or simply listen, or enjoy the book alone. Readers and listeners of all ages will treasure this keepsake edition of Stevenson's timeless poetry.