作者 H. George(H·乔治·沙夫娜)、Susan(苏珊·雪莱)、Robert Cooke(罗伯特·库克) 著
出版社 McGraw-Hill
出版时间 2010-12
版次 3
ISBN 9780071749558
定价 226.50元
装帧 平装
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 352页
正文语种 英语
丛书 管理必读系列
The high-profile accounting scandals of recent years have made one thing clear: You can't know too much about the company for which you work. What are the numbers? Where do you find them? How do they affect you and your staff? This fully revised and updated third edition of The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Finance for Nonfinancial Managers provides a firm grasp on what all the numbers really mean. Designed to let you learn at your own pace, it walks you through: * The essential concepts of finance, so you can askintelligent questions and understand the answers * Vital statements and reports, with sections on pro forma financial statements and expensing of stock options * The auditing process--what is measured, how it'smeasured, and how you can help ensure accuracy and completeness With chapter-ending quizzes and an online final exam, The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Finance for Nonfinancial Managers serves as a virtual professor, providing the curriculum you need to crunch the numbers like a pro!
H. George Shoffner, CPA, is a founding partner of Lewis, Shoffner & Co., a CPA firm specializing in tax planning and preparation for individuals and small businesses.
Susan Shelly has written and contributed to more than 40 books, including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Personal Finance in Your 20s and 30s and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Being a Successful Entrepreneur.
Robert Cooke, CPA, was a business consultant, speaker, and finance author who owned and managed several successful businesses