这些诗人中既有知名诗人,也有新锐诗人;既有国际诗人,也有翻译诗人;也有我们这个时代重要的诗人。其中不乏非凡的配对: 特蕾西-K-史密斯(Tracy K. Smith)与琳达-格雷格(Linda Gregg);黛安-苏斯(Diane Seuss)与 D. A. 鲍威尔(D. A. Powell);伊丽莎白-亚历山大(Elizabeth Alexander)与克里斯托弗-吉尔伯特(Christopher Gilbert);麦-德-旺(Mai Der Vang)与拉里-莱维斯(Larry Levis)。
由 Graywolf 出版商 Carmen Giménez 作序,《狼养大》是对诗歌可能性的呼应。
Raised by Wolves is a unique and vibrant gathering of poems from Graywolf Press's fifty years. The anthology is conceived as a community document: fifty Graywolf poets have selected fifty poems by Graywolf poets, offering insightful prose reflections on their selections. What arises is a choral arrangement of voices and lineages across decades, languages, styles, and divergences, inspiring a shared vision for the future.
Included here are established and emerging poets, international poets and poets in translation, and many of the significant poets of our time. There are extraordinary pairings: Tracy K. Smith on Linda Gregg; Diane Seuss on D. A. Powell; Elizabeth Alexander on Christopher Gilbert; Mai Der Vang on Larry Levis.
With an introduction by Graywolf publisher Carmen Giménez, Raised by Wolves is an echoing outward of poetry's possibilities.
Graywolf Press is a leading independent and nonprofit publisher of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation, and genre-defying literature whose aim is to foster new thinking about what it means to live in the world today.