Effective risk management in today’s ever-changing world
Crisis Wasted? Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture sheds light on today’s risk management landscape through a unique collection of interviews from risk leaders in both the banking and investment industries. These interviews zero in on the risk culture of organisations, effective risk management in practice, and the sometimes paradoxical effects of new regulations and how they affect decision-making in financial organisations They offer genuine insight into regulatory processes and priorities and their implications for the stability of the global financial system. As trending topics in the risk management field, each of these subject areas is relevant to the work of today’s risk management professionals. In addition to the forward-focused text, this reference provides access to a wealth of premium online content.
Risk management has become an area of focus for companies since the financial crises that shook the international community over the past decade, but, despite high levels of introspection and changes to key processes, many financial houses are still experiencing large losses. Understanding today’s risk environment can help you improve risk management tactics.
Access essential information both in print and online
Discover the most important topics in today’s risk management field
Explore interviews with 1 risk management leaders
Learn about ground-breaking recent innovations in risk management thinking
Crisis Wasted? Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture is an integral resource for professionals responsible for minimising organisational risk, as well as those who want to better understand the risk culture of today’s world.
MATTHEW LEVINS是一名风险顾问,业务范围涵盖中国、亚洲和澳大利亚的银行。在此之前,他在澳大利亚指导交易、经纪、资本市场和风险实践,为领先的公司工作。
FRANCES COWELL is a specialist investment risk consultant working with R-Squared Risk Management in Paris and London. She is a founding director of the London Quant Group, a not-for-profit that provides a forum for discussion of practical issues in quantitative investment techniques.
MATTHEW LEVINS is a risk consultant with a practice that spans banks in China, Asia and Australia. Previously, he directed trading, broking, capital market and risk practices in Australia, working for leading firms.
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xvii
About the Authors xix
Chapter 1 Setting the Scene 1
Chapter 2 Background 7
Chapter 3 Sir Michael Hintze 37
Chapter 4 John Breit 59
Chapter 5 Bill Muysken 85
Chapter 6 Hugo B¨anziger 103
Chapter 7 Carol Alexander 119
Chapter 8 Mark Lawrence 141
Chapter 9 Paul Bostok 181
Chapter 10 Todd Groome 205
Chapter 11 Richard Meddings 227
Chapter 12 Adrian Blundell-Wignall 259
Chapter 13 Innovations 279
Chapter 14 Interpretation 295
Appendix A Risk Silos 309
Appendix B The Mechanics of Selected Financial Products 313
Appendix C Basel I, II and III – Risk Weightings 321