Format:Hardback 256 pages, 150-200 colour and black and white photographs
Publisher:Rizzoli International Publications
Imprint:Rizzoli International Publications
Published: 7 Apr 2020
Classifications:New York, National & regional cuisine, Cooking for parties, Nostalgia: general
Readership:General (US: Trade)
Dimensions:213 x 264 x 30 (mm)
Pub. Country:United States
汉普顿拥有盛产当地鱼类的水域和盛产水果和蔬菜的农田,长期以来一直是美食爱好者的目的地。现在,这个岛上颇具历史意义的组织之一与传奇美食作家弗洛伦斯·法布里坎特(Florence Fabricant)联手,通过收集女士村改善协会(Ladies' Village Improvement Society)成员、居住或度假在东汉普顿的知名厨师和名人(包括玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)、伊娜·加腾(Ina Garten)、希拉里亚·鲍德温(Hilaria Baldwin)、亚历克斯·瓜尔纳切利(Alex Guarnaschelli)和伊莱·扎巴尔(Eli Zabar)),以及农民和酒商等喜爱的当地人物的食谱,捕捉当地的色彩。
这些食谱被整理成20份菜单,包括《看完电影后的晚餐》(Dinner After the Movies)、《秋季渔获》(Autumn Catch)和《泳池边的午餐》(Lunch by the Pool),涵盖了各种独特的聚会,从特殊场合的庆祝活动到休闲的家庭聚餐或人群的大型海滩野餐。从海滩到农场摊位,随处可见食物和当地景点的新鲜感和原创性,而妇女乡村改善协会(women’s Village Improvement Society)的历史照片和轶事,以及当地报纸则展现了汉普顿最好的美食。
A delicious melding of traditional taste with the flavors of the Hamptons, this cookbook offers 100 recipes for entertaining as well as for everyday meals.
Gifted with waters brimming with local fish and with farmland that produces a bounty of fruit and vegetables, the Hamptons have long been a destination for food lovers. Now, one of the most historic organizations on the island pairs with legendary food writer Florence Fabricant to capture the local color through a collection of recipes from members of the Ladies' Village Improvement Society, renowned chefs and celebrities who live or vacation in East Hampton (including Martha Stewart, Ina Garten, Hilaria Baldwin, Alex Guarnaschelli, and Eli Zabar), and favorite local figures like farmers and vintners.
Organized into twenty menus, including "Dinner After the Movies," "Autumn Catch," and "Lunch by the Pool," the recipes encompass the uniquely broad range of gatherings, from special-occasion celebrations to casual family meals or big beach picnics for a crowd. Vibrant original photographs shine a light on the freshness and originality of the food and the local spots from beaches to farm stands, while historical photographs and anecdotes from the Ladies' Village Improvement Society archives and local newspapers express the best of Hamptons eating.
“…在东汉普顿,妇女乡村改善协会的食谱:饮食和娱乐精选了21个菜单,其中有100多个食谱来自LVIS会员、著名厨师和一些名人朋友——都符合Fabricant精心打造的一套标准。这本书厚达250多页,里面有道格·杨(Doug Young)的精彩照片(以及一些老式照片),专业编辑、代笔作家和LVIS成员贝丝·拉特雷(Bess Rattray)提供的历史和传说,还有玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)撰写的序言。”——DAN'S PAPER
"...The Ladies’ Village Improvement Society Cookbook: Eating and Entertaining in East Hampton gathers a carefully curated selection of 21 menus with more than 100 recipes from LVIS members, notable chefs and a few celebrity friends—all meeting Fabricant’s well-honed set of standards. The result is a hefty, 250-page tome filled with fabulous photos by Doug Young (as well as vintage images), history and lore from professional editor, ghostwriter and LVIS member Bess Rattray, and a foreword by Martha Stewart." —DAN'S PAPER
"This edition is a lavish 256-page book, illustrated with more than 200 photos by Doug Young. It features more than 100 recipes for food and drink, grouped into 20 menus, with directions on how to splendify everything from everyday meals to poolside lunches. In addition, there are strawberry-and tomato-themed celebrations to feature items from the East End’s famed local produce." —THE INDEPENDENT
The Ladies' Village Society of East Hampton is a 125-year-old nonprofit established for the preservation of historical landmarks, parks, greens, and trees in East Hampton and the surrounding area. Florence Fabricant is an acclaimed food writer who contributes regularly to the New York Times. She is the author of thirteen cookbooks.