Democracy in America《论美国的民主》是法国政治学家、社会学家托克维尔亲自在美国进行长期考察后写出的一部举世公认的世界名著。本书上卷包括美国的地理环境、种族状况、英裔移民带到北美的影响、美国联邦制的优点与其他国家联邦制的比较、联邦政府与各州政府的关系、政党产生的原因、政治社团的作用、舆论的作用等方面;主要思想是阐明美国的民主、自由、平等是如何在政治生活和社会生活中体现的。下卷是以美国的民主思想和美国的民情为背景分析了美国人的哲学观念、宗教思想、科学理论、文学、艺术、社会心理、民族性格等等方面。同时,与英法等国为代表的西欧国家的类似问题作了对比。
No other book is as pervasively woven into the fabric of American public life and culture as Democracy in America. Tocqueville's study of nineteenth-century America is cited often and everywhere: from presidential addresses to high-school speeches, from the editorial pages of national newspapers to local radio broadcasts, from high-school and college classrooms to Sunday sermons. This Norton Critical Edition is based on the 1835 and 1840 English translations of Tocqueville's two volumes by his friend Henry Reeve. It allows today's
readers to experience the book as Tocqueville's contemporaries did. It is accompanied by a full-scale introduction addressing Democracy in America's canonical place in American life and by essential explanatory annotations.
"Backgrounds" includes related letters from Tocqueville to Ernest de Chabrol, Henry Reeve, and John Quincy Adams, among others, in which he shares impressions of his nine-and-a-half-month journey through the United States. A collection of nine European and American reviews-including those by Sainte-Beuve. Pellegrino Rossi,
John C. Spencer, and John Stuart Mill-allows readers to assess Democracy in America's contemporary reception.
Recent interpretations by David Riesman, Max Lerner, Robert Nisbet, James T. Schleifer, Catherine Zuckert, Sheldon S. Wolin, Edward C. Banfield, Daniel T. Rodgers, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Sean Wilentz, Henry Steele Commager, James T. Kloppenberg, and Tamara M. Teale explore Tocqueville's influence on American political thought and on democracy's legacy. A Selected Bibliography is also included.
Out of Alexis de Toqueville's travels through the U.S. in the 1830's came an insightful study of a young democracy and its institutions. 作者/Author:Alexis de Tocqueville 平装/Paperback:400 pages 出版社/Publisher:Signet Classics (2010年7月6日) 语言/Language: English 商品编码/ISBN-13:9780451531605 商品尺寸/Product Dimensions:17.1 x 10.8 x 2.8 cm 商品重量/Weight: 195 g