Part I Famous People in Ancient Times古代人物 The Union of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang 黄帝炎帝联盟 Lao Zi and Taoism老子与道家学派 Confucius and Confucianism孔子与儒家学派 Mencius and Mencius‘Philosophy“亚圣”孟子 Sun Wu and The Art of War孙武与《孙子兵法》 Qu Yuan,a Patriotic Poet 爱国诗人屈原 Zhang Qian‘s Missions to the Western Regions 张骞出使西域 Sima Qian and Records of the Grand Historian司马迁与《史记》 Zhaojun‘s Settlement Way beyond the Great Wall昭君出塞 Wang Xizhi,the Sage of Calligraphy“书圣”王羲之 Li Bai,Du Fu and Tang Poetry李白、杜甫与唐诗 Lu Yu,the Sage of Tea“茶圣”陆羽 Su Shi,Fan Zhongyan and Ci Poetry苏轼、范仲淹与宋词 Guan Hanqing and Yuan Dramas 关汉卿与元曲 Zheng He‘s Voyages to the South Seas 郑和下西洋 Wang Yangming and His Integration of Knowledge and Action王阳明与知行合一 Wu Cheng‘en and Journey to the West吴承恩与《西游记》 Xu Xiake and His Geographical Works 旅行奇人徐霞客 Cao Xueqin and A Dream of the Red Mansions 曹雪芹与《红楼梦》Part II Famous People in Modern Times近现代人物 Lin Zexu and Burning of Opium Stocks in Humen林则徐与虎门销烟 Qi Baishi and His Great Paintings绘画大师齐白石 LuXun,Master of Modern Chinese Literature文学巨匠鲁迅 Tao Xingzhi,a Great Educator教育家陶行知 Mei Lanfang,Master of Peking Opera京剧天师梅兰劳 Xu Beihong and Galloping Horse 徐悲鸿与《奔马图》 Xian Xinghai,a Great Composer 作曲家冼星海 Nie Er,the People‘s Musician 人民音乐家瑟耳 Cao Yu,a Playwright剧作家曹禺 Mao Yisheng,the Founder of Chinese Modern Bridge Engineering中国现代桥梁奠基人茅以升 作者介绍