"Professional English for Civil Engineering" is a core course for undergraduate students majoring in civil engineering at universities, serving as a crucial foundation for the internationalization of talent in this field. With a focus on cultivating internationally adept engineering professionals, this textbook carefully selects materials that address the practical needs of students seeking opportunities abroad for work or further studies. The content selection strikes a balance between emphasizing core professional concepts and incorporating cutting-edge knowledge. Comprising nine comprehensive chapters, the textbook covers a range of topics, including Introduction to Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Materials, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Steel Structures, Bridge Structures, Pavement, Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Investigation, and Project Management. Each chapter is designed to include English course texts, reading materials, summaries, vocabulary, and relevant post-lesson exercises. The material meticulously organizes commonly used professional English vocabulary to help students acquire a solid grasp of essential terminology. The objective is to train students in reading and translating English materials within their field, fostering familiarity with professional English expressions and conventions, ultimately enhancing their English communication skills. Tailored for use as a professional English textbook, this resource caters to both undergraduate and graduate students majoring in civil engineering. Additionally, it serves as a valuable self-study tool for professionals in the field. 《土木工程专业英语》是高等学校土木工程类专业本科生的一门专业基础课,是土木工程类专业开展国际化人才培养的重要支撑课程。本教材立足于培养国际化高级工程技术人才的目标,结合学生出国工作和进修学习的实际需求,在选材上做了认真的筛选,既注重专业基础内容又强调前沿专业知识。 本教材共九个章节,具体编排如下:土木工程概论、土木工程材料、钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构、桥梁结构、路面工程、岩土工程、岩土勘察、工程项目管理。本书每个章节包括英文课文、英文阅读材料、专业词汇总结及拓展、以及相关课后习题。本教材对常用的专业英语词汇进行了梳理,帮助学生掌握一定数量的专业词汇,训练学生阅读与翻译本专业英文资料的能力,熟悉专业英语的表达方式和表达习惯,提高学生的英语沟通能力。 本教材可作为高校土木工程专业本科生、研究生的专业英语教材,也可以作为相关从业者的自学教材。 本书配备教学课件,可以向采用本书作为教材的老师提供。请有需要的任课教师按以下方式索取课件:1.邮件:47364196@qq.com或jiangongkejian@163.com(邮件主题请注明《土木工程专业英语》英文版);2.电话:(010)58337170;3.建工书院:http://edu.cabplink.com。