清华中学英语分级读物:中学生百科英语 延伸阅读 3
作者Rich Issak 著
- 品相描述:九品
Rich Issak 著
- 【内容简介】
《中学生百科英语 延伸阅读 3》为原版引进READ to Achieve系列英语读物中 的第三本,书中包含了阅读文章与理解问题、重点词与关键词、单元试题库与阶段 测试卷、各部分对应的答案及课文听读文件,资料翔实,精彩纷呈。 阅读文章与理解问题 《中学生百科英语 延伸阅读3》(READ to Achieve 3)全书包含97篇英文文章, 每篇6道问题,体例统一,结构清楚。阅读内容涉猎广泛,语言知识与百科常识并重, 语言地道、选材时尚、趣味性强,能够帮助学生快速扩大词汇量,高效提高英语阅 读能力。 重点词与关键词 每篇文章以彩色文字呈现3个重点单词,在单词表中给出了该词的使用例句。 每篇文章还提供了建议读者查阅资料的关键词,以进一步扩大视野,加深理解。 单元试题库与阶段测试卷 本书提供了进行话题检验的单元试题库,包含20套试题,每套试题均包括针对 理解的T/F题和选择题,也包括针对词汇训练的填空题和单选题。 除单元试题库外,本书还分三个阶段提供了包含多项话题的综合测试卷,每个 阶段2套,共6套测试卷,为教师和学生在阶段评测方面提供有力的帮助。 各部分对应的答案 本书的答案包含了三大部分,一是每篇文章对应的阅读理解题的答案,二是单 元试题库的答案,三是阶段测试卷的答案。 阅 读与理解是内在的学习与领悟,测评分数仅为一时的外在表现。答对、答错 都是在进步的路上,做本书阅读训练的人都懂的! 课文听读文件 本书课文听读音频文件语音纯正,原汁原味,由清华大学出版社免费提供。 移动端下载:扫描每课的二维码,可下载本课的音频文件(< 5MB)。 下载至邮箱:扫描封底的二维码,提供邮箱地址,系统推送全书音频文件。 为了去看更广阔的世界,加油!!
- 【目录】
Subcategory Article Title Page
Business 001 The Power of Crowdsourcing 8
002 Wolf of Wall Street 10
003 The Finer Points of Fair Trade 12
004 Productivity Hacks for Great Success 14
005 Using Social Media to Boost Business 16
Trend 006 Some Amazing Apps for Your Smartphone 18
007 Cities Get Clean by Going Green 20
008 Learning to Love Locally-Grown Foods 22
009 Microtrends: It’s a Small World After All 24
010 The Rise of E-Books 26
Social Issues 011 Fighting Back against Bullying 28
012 The Great Debate over GM Foods 30
013 Obesity: Shrinking the World’s Waistline 32
014 Saying Goodbye to Nelson Mandela 34
History 015 The Sinking of the Unsinkable Ship 36
016 A Ride through the Roaring 20s 38
017 The Fall of the Roman Empire 40
018 Who Built the Great Pyramid? 42
Media 019 Online Video: The New King of Media 44
020 3D: Adding Depth and Delight to Movies 46
021 Google Books: Cataloging the World’s Library 48
022 Journalists: Protection of Sources 50
023 Twitter: 140 Characters to Express Yourself 52
Subcategory Article Title Page
Food 024 Inside the Mind of a Sushi Legend 54
025 The Terrific Taste of Thai Street Food 56
026 American Barbeque Tradition 58
027 Xiaolongbao: The Savory Soupy Bun 60
028 Tantalizing Teas from around the Globe 62
Music 029 Hooray for Hip Hop 64
030 India’s Classical Jewel 66
031 Learning to Dig Jazz Music 68
032 The Fire and Frenzy of Flamenco 70
033 Dancing to the Sounds of the Didgeridoo 72
Arts 034 Becoming an Art Dealer 74
035 The Magical Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci 76
036 Explosions in the Sky 78
037 Durable Ceramic Beauty 80
038 Drawing a Line in the Sand 82
Travel 039 Relaxing in Rose City 84
040 Dancing to the Beat in Buenos Aires 86
041 Another Side to Johannesburg 88
042 A Relaxing Vacation in Vientiane 90
043 Spectacular Sydney 92
Architecture 044 Lady Liberty 94
045 The Timeless Taj Mahal 96
046 The Mysterious Magic of Machu Picchu 98
047 The Dark Maze beneath Paris 100
048 Castle Neuschwanstein: The New Castle on the Block 102
Subcategory Article Title Page
Application 049 Incredible Shrinking Microchips 104
050 Don’t Handle with Care 106
051 The LED Lighting Revolution 108
052 Microwave Magic 110
053 The Great Energy Debate 112
Military 054 Flying Drones into Danger Zones 114
055 Elite Warriors 116
056 On the Warpath with Genghis Khan 118
057 Ancient Strategies Survive in Modern Warfare 120
Space 058 Getting Curious about Curiosity’s Mission to Mars 122
059 NASA History 124
060 Space Debris 126
061 Space Tourism 128
062 Are We Alone in the Universe? 130
Physics /
063 The Invention of the Periodic Table 132
064 Going inside Black Holes 134
065 The Particle That Started the Big Bang 136
066 Shedding Some Light on Light 138
067 Fun Facts about Physics 140
Technology 068 Cyborgs: How Man Becomes Machine 142
069 Are Phablets Fabulous? 144
070 A World without Wires 146
071 Putting Cars on Autopilot 148
072 The Rise of Robots 150
Subcategory Article Title Page
Animals 073 The Fury of Feral Pigs 152
074 Growling with Grizzly Bears 154
075 Hunting Down the Truth about Killer Whales 156
076 The Peculiar Habits of the Praying Mantis 158
077 Piranhas on Parade 160
Fitness 078 Strengthening Your Core 162
079 Moving Your Mind for Maximum Fitness 164
080 Dropping Pounds Like a Caveman 166
081 Frozen Fitness 168
082 Getting Focused and Flexible with Yoga 170
Medicines 083 The ABCs of Obamacare 172
084 The Advancing Development of Artificial Limbs 174
085 Future Cures for a Better Future 176
086 Helpful Home Remedies 178
087 Are Vitamins Beneficial? 180
Environment 088 Say Sayonara to Sushi? 182
089 Getting Closer to Nature at National Parks 184
090 Poles Apart 186
091 Cleaning the World’s Oceans 188
092 Saving the Rainforests 190
Facts 093 The Greatest Light Show on Earth 192
094 Shapes of Clouds 194
095 Predicting the Weather 196
096 Ocean Currents and the Turning of the Tide 198
097 The Wonders of Wetlands 200
Vocabulary List 202
Test Bank, Exam, Answer Key
Subcategory Article Title Page
Test Bank Test Bank 1 Society: Business 212
Test Bank 2 Society: Trend 216
Test Bank 3 Society: Social Issues 219
Test Bank 4 Society: History 222
Test Bank 5 Society: Media 225
Test Bank 6 Culture: Food 228
Test Bank 7 Culture: Music 231
Test Bank 8 Culture: Arts 234
Test Bank 9 Culture: Travel 237
Test Bank 10 Culture: Architecture 240
Test Bank 11 Science: Application 243
Test Bank 12 Science: Military 246
Test Bank 13 Science: Space 249
Test Bank 14 Science: Physics / Chemistry 252
Test Bank 15 Science: Technology 255
Test Bank 16 Nature: Animals 258
Test Bank 17 Nature: Fitness 261
Test Bank 18 Nature: Medicines 264
Test Bank 19 Nature: Environment 267
Test Bank 20 Nature: Facts 270
Exam Exam 1-A (001~033) 273
Exam 1-B (001~033) 277
Exam 2-A (034~067) 281
Exam 2-B (034~067) 285
Exam 3-A (068~097) 289
Exam 3-B (068~097) 293
Answer Key 297
Test Bank Answer Key 300
Exam Answer Key 305
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