目录 PART 3 ELECTROMAGNETISM CHAPTER 11 ELECTROSTATIC FIELD2 11.1 Electric Charges2 11.2 Electric Field and Electric Field Intensity3 11.3 Coulomb’s Law and Calculating Electrostatic Field4 11.4 Electric Field Lines and Electric Flux9 11.5 Gauss’ Law12 11.6 Finding Electrostatic Field Distribution by Gauss’ Law14 SUMMARY18 QUESTIONS19 PROBLEMS19 CHAPTER 12 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL21 12.1 Conservative Property of Electrostatic Field21 12.2 Electric Potential Difference and Electric Potential23 12.3 Principle of Superposition of Electric Potential25 12.4 Finding Field from Potential29 12.5 Electrostatic Energy of Electric Charge in External Electric Field30 12.6 Energy of Electrostatic Field31 SUMMARY32 QUESTIONS33 PROBLEMS33 CHAPTER 13 ELECTROSTATIC FIELD WITH CONDUCTORS OR DIELECTRICS PRESENT35 13.1 Conditions for Electrostatic Equilibrium of a Conductor35 13.2 Charge Distribution on a Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium State36 13.3 Finding Electrostatic Field When Conductors are Present37 13.4 Capacitors and Capacitance39 13.5 Effect on Dielectrics by Electric Field43 13.6 Polarization of Dielectrics44 13.7 Electric Displacement Vector D and Its Gauss’ Law47 13.8 Energy Stored in a Capacitor47 SUMMARY50 QUESTIONS50 PROBLEMS51 CHAPTER 14 ELECTRIC CURRENT AND MAGNETIC FIELD53 14.1 Electric Current and Current Density53 14.2 A Classical Microscopic View of Electric Current55 14.3 Ohm’s Law57 14.4 Magnetic Force and Motion of Electric Charge58 14.5 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Induction59 14.6 Biot-Savart Law61 14.7 Ampere Circuital Theorem67 14.8 Finding Distribution of the Magnetic Field with Ampere Circuital Theorem70 14.9 Magnetic Field Associated with Varying Electric Field72 SUMMARY76 QUESTIONS77 PROBLEMS78PART 4 WAVE AND OPTICSPART 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF QUANTUM PHYSICSDATA LIST354ANSWERS TO ALL PROBLEMS356INDEX363 作者介绍