Captivating story of a long-abandoned garden on a gloomy Yorkshire estate — which, with the help of an unusual young boy with an ability to charm nature — blooms again, transforming the lives of the estate owner's frail son and that of his overindulged orphan cousin who has come to live with him. Abridged.
Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) grew up in England, but she began writing what was to become The Secret Garden in 1909, when she was creating a garden for a new home in Long Island, New York. Burnett was already established as a novelist for adults when she turned to writing for children. Little Lord Fauntleroy, written for her two young boys; the play A Little Princess, which became the basis for the novel of the same name; and The Secret Garden are the works for which she is most warmly remembered.
“What is that?”she said,pointing out ofthe window
She was standing inside the secret garden
On the bed was lying a boy,crying pitifully
There was every joy on earth in the secret garden that morning