目录 Research Articles Environmental Total Factor Productivity in Chinas Industrial Sector: Trend of Interregional Convergence Credit Easing and Bank Risk-Taking Long Run and Short Run Relationship among Gross Domestic Saving, Net Bilateral Foreign Aid, External Debt and Economic Growth in Pakistan An Instrument to Develop Cashless in Malaysia The Evaluation of Main Monetary Indicators of Russia and the Leading Countries of North-East Asia Notes Accounting for Development- A New Accounting Field Prospect Analysis of China-UK Financial Cooperation under The Belt and Road Initiative Call for Papers and Author Guidelines
内容摘要 《Journal of Chinese Economics》是北京第二外国语学院在此前发行多年的电子网刊基础上形成的学术集刊,依托该校雄厚的翻译实力,将国内研究中国经济的论文选辑翻译向海内外发行。该刊开设经济理论、经济形势分析与预测、金融财政研究等栏目,致力于面向英文读者介绍当代中国经济发展情况。