本书为《Coco》(寻梦环游记)英文原版绘本,适合迪士尼、皮卡斯动画迷们独立阅读。故事构想源自于墨西哥亡灵节,整个故事也是围绕亡灵节这时间节点铺开:出身鞋匠世家的12岁小男孩米格自幼怀抱音乐梦想,但他的家族却因为神秘原因将音乐视为诅咒,有禁止接触音乐的严厉传统。执意追求梦想的米格尔机缘巧合闯入亡灵世界,在亡灵节开启了一段奇幻旅程。最后在过世先人的帮助下踏上重回人间,并更加领悟到亲情之爱的珍贵。 Miguel dreams of becoming a famous musician. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel embarks on the journey of a lifetime to the Land of the Dead to discover the true story behind his family’s generations-old ban on music. Experience the magic of Coco in this classic Disney Pixar Movie Collection.