Chapter 1 Shiro lshii and Unit 731 Japan would go on to violate this international treaty by secretly preparing for and carrying out bacteriological warfare Shiro lshii — responsible for the bacteriological war The establishment, expansion and demise of Unit 731
Chapter 2 “Special Transfer” Discovery and publicity of the archives of "special transfer" Rules about “special transfer” Objects of “special transfer” History into reality: Heishijiao Incident in Dalian
Chapter 3 Human Experimentation The secret of secret Activities Three reports on experiments preserved by the US
Chapter 4 Biological Warfare Research and experiments on bacteriological weapons Selection and testing of germ agents Use of biological warfare and damage caused
Chapter 5 The US Military's Investigation — Cover—Up and Duplicity US intelligence agencies tracing down lshii Shiro Secret investigations and interrogations by the US military Conclusion of the secret deal between Japan and the US Conclusion
Chapter 6 Preservation of the Site of Unit 731 The history of preservation Cu rrent status An exhibition hall Value assessment
Chapter 7 Summary and Reflections Medical crimes by doctors of medicine A questionnaire conducted in Harbin A questionnaire conducted in Tokyo Key Events