目录 01 I will be the youngest woman President in the history of the United States 我将成为美国历年轻的女总统 02 A time for reform 这是一个呼唤改革的时代 03 There are four things I want the public to know 关于电子邮件我想让公众知道四件事 04 I am more optimistic today 今天我更加乐观 05 The United States must be a force for peace and progress in the world 美国必须成为维护世界和平与发展的力量 06 You can be a citizen diplomat 你可以做一名公民外交官 07 I look forward to working with all of you 我期盼与大家一起工作 08 Barack Obama is my candidate 巴拉克•奥巴马是我的总统人选 09 The path will be a little easier next time 下一次的竞选之路将会变得更加平坦 10 I am not going out there on my own 我不是一个人在战斗 11 John Kerry is the man we need to be our president 我们需要约翰•克里成为我们的总统 12 This is a very difficult vote 这次投票真的好难 13 Dare to compete, dare to dream 勇于竞争,敢于梦想 14 I will work my heart out for the next six years for all of you 我将在接下来的六年里为你们鞠躬尽瘁 15 It takes a village 我们需要举全村之力 16 Women’s rights are human rights 妇女的权利就是人权 17 Hold on to your dreams 坚守梦想 18 The art of making possible 使不可能变为可能的艺术