作者简介 何伟,博士,博士后,北京科技大学教授,博士生导师,外国语言文学一级学科带头人,外国语学院副院长,功能语言学研究中心主任,校学术委员会委员,Journal of World Languages联合主编,Functional Linguistics副主编,《北京科技大学学报(社科版)》语言学栏目主编,中山大学功能语言学研究所客座教授,香港城市大学兼职教授,中国功能语言学协会副秘书长,中国英汉语篇分析协会副秘书长,中国英汉语比较研究会理事,北京市很好教师,2009年入选教育部新世纪很好人才。共有100多项研究成果发表,包括发表在SSCI、CSSCI及其他期刊和文集中的近70篇学术论文,4部专著,6部教材,30多部编著、译著等。主持多项重量及省部级科教研课题,包括2项国家社科基金项目,1项教育部新世纪很好人才支持计划项目,1项教育部人文社科基金项目,2项中央高校基本科研业务费项目等,以及1部重量十一五规划教材、2门北京市精品课程及1部北京市精品教材,1项北京高等学校教育教学改革项目等。
目录 Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction of Functional Syntax
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar
1.3 Functional syntactic categories
1.4 Functional syntactic relationships
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 The Clause: Types and Boundary Markers
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The clause: types
2.2.1 The simple clause
2.2.2 The coordinate clause
2.3 The clause: boundary markers
2.3.1 The Binder
2.3.2 The Linker
2.3.3 The punctuation mark
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Elements and Functions of the Clause
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Elements of the clause
3.2.1 The Main Verb
3.2.2 The Main Verb Extension
3.2.3 The Auxiliary Verb
3.2.4 The Auxiliary Extension
3.2.5 The Infinitive element
3.2.6 The Negator
3.2.7 The Operator
3.2.8 The Subject
3.2.9 The Let element
3.2.10 The Complement
3.2.11 The Adjunct
3.2.12 The Linker
3.2.13 The Binder
3.2.14 The Vocative
3.2.15 The Starter and the Ender
3.3 Functions of the clause
3.3.1 Functions of the clause in the sentence
3.3.2 Functions of the clause in the clause
3.3.3 Functions of the clause in the nominal group
3.3.4 Functions of the clause in the quality group
3.3.5 Functions of the clause in the quantity group
3.3.6 Functions of the clause in the prepositional phrase
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Elements and Functions of the Nominal Group
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Elements of the nominal group
4.2.1 The head
4.2.2 The modifier
4.2.3 The determiner
4.2.4 The qualifier
4.2.5 The linker
4.2.6 The inferer
Chapter 5 Elements and Functions of the Quality Group
Chapter 6 Elements and Functions of the Quantity Group
Chapter 7 Elements and Functions of the Prepositional Phrase
Chapter 8 Elements and Functions of the Preposition Group and the Conjunction Group