导语摘要 《天地逍遥游——庄子》,向国外读者介绍战国中期道家学派的代表人物,著名的思想家、哲学家和文学家,道家学说的主要创始人之一——庄子的生平及其经典语录。庄子生平只做过地方漆园吏,因崇尚自由而不应同宗楚威王之聘。他是老子思想的继承和发展者。后世将他与老子并称为“老庄”。其代表作品为《庄子》,名篇有《逍遥游》、《齐物论》等。 If Lao Tzu is the founder and ultimate source of Taoism, Zhuangzi is a key thinker who carried forward a local philosophy of religion, and formed a unique and powerful system of thought, which retains its considerable power today in the modern world.
If Lao Tzu is the founder and ultimate source of Taoism, Zhuangzi is a key thinker who carried forward a local philosophy of religion, and formed a unique and powerful system of thought, which retains its considerable power today in the modern world.