目录 《1.勇闯恐龙谷》 Chapter 1 Into the Woods Chapter 2 The Monster Chapter 3 Where is Here? Chapter 4 Henry Chapter 5 Gold in the Grass Chapter 6 Dinosaur Valley Chapter 7 Ready, Set, Go! Chapter 8 A Giant Shadow Chapter 9 The Amazing Ride Chapter 10 Home Before Dark 章树林 章怪兽 第三章这是哪儿? 第四章亨利 第五章地上的金 第六章恐龙谷 第七章预备,开始,跑! 第八章巨大的影子 第九章惊人的一跃 第十章天黑前回家
内容摘要 《神奇树屋·1勇闯恐龙谷》 Chapter 1 Into the Woods “Help! A monster!” said Annie. “Yeah, sure,” said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.” “Run, Jack!” said Annie. She ran up the road. Oh, brother, thought Jack. This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister. Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight. He liked real things. “Watch out, Jack! The monster’s coming!” said Annie. Jack didn’t say anything. “Come on, Jack, I’ll race you!” said Annie. “No, thanks,” said Jack. Annie raced alone into the woods. Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set. “Come on, Annie! It’s time to go home!” yelled Jack. But Annie didn’t answer. Jack waited. “Annie!” he called again. “Jack! Jack!” Annie shouted. “Come here! Quick!” Jack groaned. “This better be good,” he said. Jack left the road and headed into the woods. The trees were lit with a golden late-afternoon light. “Over here!” called Annie. Annie was standing under a tall oak tree. “Look!” she said. She pointed at a rope ladder. It was hanging down from high in the tree. “Wow,” Jack whispered. At the top of the tree was a tree house, tucked between two branches. “That must be the highest tree house in the world,” said Annie. “Who built it?” asked Jack. “I’ve never seen it before.” “I don’t know. But I’m going up,” said Annie. “No! We don’t know who it belongs to,” said Jack. “Just for a teeny minute,” said Annie. She started up the ladder. “Annie, come back!” said Jack. But Annie kept climbing. She climbed all the way up to the tallest branches. Jack sighed. “Annie, it’s almost dark! We have to go home!” Annie disappeared inside the tree house. “Annie!” Jack called. Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window. “Books!” Annie shouted. “What?” Jack said. “It’s filled with books!” said Annie. Oh, man! Jack thought. He loved books. Jack pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope ladder and started up. 课标单词:sister 姐,妹;under 在……下面;tall 高的;tree 树; climb 爬,攀登;book 书 拓展单词:wood 木头,树林;monster 怪兽;Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州; pretend 假装的,想象的;whisper 轻声说;branch 树枝 常用结构:have to 不得不,必须 We have to go home! 我们现在必须回家去。 第一章 进入树林 “救命啊!有怪兽!”安妮大叫。 “说得像真的似的,”杰克说,“ 宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪,竟然有一头真正的怪兽。” “快跑啊,杰克!”安妮大喊着跑到了公路上。 “唉,倒霉 ,”杰克想,“ 跟七岁的妹妹待在一起,就是这么个下场。” 安妮特别喜欢幻想。而杰克已经八岁了,他更喜欢真实存在的东西。 “留神啊,杰克!怪兽来了!”安妮又叫道。杰克没有说话。 “快点,杰克,我们比赛看谁跑得快吧!”安妮说。 “不了,你自己玩吧。”杰克说。安妮独自跑进了树林。 杰克看着天空,太阳快要落山了。 他对安妮喊:“快回来,我们该回家了!”没有听到安妮的回答。 杰克等了等,又喊了一声:“安妮!” 这时,他听到安妮大叫:“ 杰克!杰克!快来啊,快!”杰克叹了口气,心想:“ 但愿别是什么坏事。” 他离开公路,朝树林里走去。 金灿灿的夕阳映照着那些树木。 “我在这儿!”安妮站在一棵高高的大橡树底下喊。 “看!”她指着一架绳梯,那绳梯从大树的高处悬挂下来。 “哇!”杰克轻声赞道。 大树顶上,有一个树屋夹在两根大树枝中间。 “这肯定是世界上优选的树屋了。”安妮说。 “是谁搭的呢?”杰克问,“ 我以前从没见过。” “不知道,但我想上去看看。”安妮说。 “不行!我们不知道它是谁的。” “就上去一会儿嘛。”安妮说着开始往绳梯上爬。 “安妮,回来!”杰克叫道。 可是安妮还是继续往上爬。她一口气爬到了优选的那根树枝上。 杰克叹了口气,说:“安妮,天快要黑了,我们现在必须回家去。” 安妮钻进树屋
主编推荐 1.故事好看:历史典故丰富,培养孩子中文、英文阅读兴趣 “神奇树屋”采用穿越冒险的形式,讲述两兄妹杰克和安妮,通过神奇的树屋去不同时代冒险的故事。 一套书带出地理、历史等典故,比如秦始皇焚书坑儒、泰坦尼克号、庞贝火山爆发、埃及木乃伊、古希腊奥运会、恐龙世界…… 2.棚:英语学习桥梁书“鼻祖”,30年经典之作 ※美国统给两个女儿挑选,超过30个国家和地区孩子在看,获得荣誉和口碑无数。 ※和《哈利波特》一样,连续160周长居《纽约时报》少儿图书榜前三 ※全美中小学图书馆馆藏图书,借阅率排名首位 ※美国学校课外读物,几乎每个学生 ※入选美国的“世界100部经典童书” ※美国英语教师委员会选书、“欧美四国暑期阅读计划”图书 ※全球连续30年,38种语言版本,累计销量突破1.34亿册 ※荣获18年微博童书榜年度好书、搜狐文化年度好书、精品阅读年度好书 3.编排合理:前英后中,原版书,170多页比原版书多100页 前英文后中文的编排,遇到不懂的英文,往后翻查中文翻译,更方便。 每本4000-6000个单词,高频词多,生僻词少。以常用词和基础句型为主,语言通俗易懂。 4.场景化学习:教孩子会背单词,更会用单词 读原版书,可以丰富词汇量,理解不同词汇的含义,让孩子轻松写作文、翻译句子、做阅读理解。 5.专业英语:32个领域的英语,为阅读专业书铺路 6.难度适中:由易到难,无障碍学习,慢慢增加难度 上判断文本难度的标准是蓝思指数,《神奇树屋》蓝思指数大约是从300~600L,很适合小学1-6年级孩子阅读。难度慢慢提升,本难度低,往后难度稍微增加,培养孩子英语的自主阅读力。 你能读到meteorite(陨石)、constellation(星座)、summer solstice(夏)、winter solstice(冬)等词汇,这些词汇常出现在阅读理解里! 7.好词好句:正能量词句,适合摘抄写作文 Be cheerful(要乐观)、Less sorrow and give hope(化解悲伤,给予希望)、Be brave(要勇敢) Put aside your own feelings(把自己的情绪先放一边) 8.板块丰富:课标单词、拓展单词、常用结构例句、单词表、互动练习 涵盖1-9年级课标单词,提前学习英语课本里的单词; 拓展单词,帮助孩子阅读课外书籍,增加词汇量; 常用结构和例句,提升孩子造句、翻译能力。
精彩内容 《神奇树屋·1勇闯恐龙谷》 Chapter 1 Into the Woods “Help! A monster!” said Annie. “Yeah, sure,” said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.” “Run, Jack!” said Annie. She ran up the road. Oh, brother, thought Jack. This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister. Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight. He liked real things. “Watch out, Jack! The monster’s coming!” said Annie. Jack didn’t say anything. “Come on, Jack, I’ll race you!” said Annie. “No, thanks,” said Jack. Annie raced alone into the woods. Jack looked at the sky. The sun waout to set. “Come on, Annie! It’s time to go home!” yelled Jack. But Annie didn’t answer. Jack waited. “Annie!” he called again. “Jack! Jack!” Annie shouted. “Come here! Quick!” Jack groaned. “Thietter be good,” he said. Jack left the road and headed into the woods. The trees were lit with a golden late-afternoon light. “Over here!” called Annie. Annie was standing under a tall oak tree. “Look!” she said. She pointed at a rope ler. It was hanging down from high in the tree. “Wow,” Jack whispered. At the top of the tree was a tree house, tucked between two branches. “That mue the highest tree house in the world,” said Annie. “Who built it?” asked Jack. “I’ve never seen it before.” “I don’t know. But I’m going up,” said Annie. “No! We don’t know who it belongs to,” said Jack. “Just for a teeny minute,” said Annie. She started up the ler. “Annie, come back!” said Jack. But Annie kept climbing. She climbed all the way up to the talleranches. Jack sighed. “Annie, it’s almost dark! We have to go home!” Annie disappeared inside the tree house. “Annie!” Jack called. Jack waited a moment. He waout to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window. “Books!” Annie shouted. “What?” Jack said. “It’s filled with books!” said Annie. Oh, man! Jack thought. He loved books. Jack pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope ler and started up. 课标单词:sister 姐,妹;under 在……;tall 高的;tree 树; climb 爬,攀登;book 书 拓展单词:wood 木头,树林;monster 怪兽;Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州; pretend 假装的,想象的;whisper 轻声说;branch 树枝 常用结构:have to 不得不,必须 We have to go home! 我们现在必须回家去。 章 进入树林 “救命啊!有怪兽!”安妮大叫。 “说得像真的似的,”杰克说,“ 宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪,竟然有一头真正的怪兽。” “快跑啊,杰克!”安妮大喊着跑到了公路上。 “唉,倒霉 ,”杰克想,“ 跟七岁的妹妹待在一起,是这么个下场。” 安妮喜欢幻想。而杰克已经八岁了,他更喜欢真实存在的东西。 “留神啊,杰克!怪兽来了!”安妮又叫道。杰克没有说话。 “快点,杰克,我们比赛看谁跑得快吧!”安妮说。 “不了,你自己玩吧。”杰克说。安妮独自跑进了树林。 杰克看着天空,太阳快要落山了。 他对安妮喊:“快回来,我们该回家了!”没有听到安妮的回答。 杰克等了等,又喊了一声:“安妮!” 这时,他听到安妮大叫:“ 杰克!杰克!快来啊,快!”杰克叹了口气,心想:“ 但愿别是什么坏事。” 他离开公路,朝树林里走去。 金灿灿的夕阳映照着那些树木。 “我在这儿!”安妮站在一棵高高的大橡树底下喊。 “看!”她指着一架绳梯,那绳梯从大树的高处悬挂下来。 “哇!”杰克轻声赞道。 大树顶上,有一个树屋夹在两根大树枝中间。 “这肯定是世界上高的树屋了。”安妮说。 “是谁搭的呢?”杰克问,“ 我以前从没见过。” “不知道,但我想上去看看。”安妮说。 “不行!我们不知道它是谁的。” “上去一会儿嘛。”安妮说着开始往绳梯上爬。 “安妮,回来!”杰克叫道。 可是安妮还是继续往上爬。她一口气爬到了高的那根树枝上。 杰克叹了口气,说:“安妮,天快要黑了,我们现在必须回家去。” 安妮钻进树屋不见了。 杰克又大声喊了一声:“安妮!” 他等了片刻,正要张嘴再喊,却看见安妮从树屋的窗户里探出头来。 “书!”安妮喊道。 “什么?”杰克问。 “这里面全是书!”安妮兴奋地说。 “天哪,太棒了!”杰克想,他喜欢看书了。 杰克把眼镜往上推了推,抓住绳梯的两边,也开始向树上爬去。 (章完,更多精彩内容在“神奇树屋”系列)