作者简介 王川,环球雅思“非有名”口语教师,他是一个集帅气、人气、人间“凶器”于一身,一树梨花压海棠,玉树临风赛潘安,高贵冷艳,热爱生活,热爱教育的1米85阳光大男孩。“全国很好教师金奖”“英语培训界很受欢迎的男教师奖”“培训界金话筒奖”,以上奖项都没得过。本科毕业于北京外国语大学英语专业,因其对艺术的热爱,毕业后又于北京电影学院攻读导演专业,被学生誉为环球雅思“上课很能演的老师”。 Shady没课的时候很喜欢做的一件事就是,到机场随随便便买张机票,飞往英国,溜达到剑桥、牛津、巴斯、约等城市的各大名校,与相关教育专家钻研探讨雅思出国考试,然后又随随便便买一张机票飞回中国,就当什么事也没有发生过一样。很多同学知道后都说: “这才叫生活。”Shady多次参加雅思考试,并取得口语单项8分、8.5分的成绩。不过据说他已经上了雅思考官的黑名单,每次Shady老师去考试的时候,考官都会说:“Bloody hell!How old are you!” 在职5年期间,Shady老师教学方式独特,对雅思口语考点的把握精准到位,用自己独特的“Shady Style”教学模式不断地帮助同学拓宽思维、提高分数。所有上过Shady课的同学都亲切地称他为“Shady妈妈”,想必每个同学都对那句“妈妈爱你”再熟悉不过了吧?这是Shady老师的slogan。至于Shady老师为什么总说“妈妈爱你”这句话,到现在为止仍然是个迷!
内容摘要 Studying overseas can be a wonderfulexperience for students. All the same, theyhave to work very hard to make up for theirlanguage deficiencies. (Study & Work) Do yon like your current job? To tell you the truth, I don t really likemy current job very much. Mind you, thesalary s quite good! (Study & Work) Do you think it is easy to get the doctoratethere? It s going to take me a few years and in theforeign country cost me quite a lot of moneybefore I get my doctorate. Still, I think it llbe worth it in the end. (Study & Work) What kind of job do you want to find Intie future? Naturally, I hope to find a job that s bothinteresting and well-paid, but, realistically,such jobs are hard to find when a personfirst starts working. (Study & Work) How do TV programmes influencechildren? I wouldn t say that all TV programmeshave a bad influence on children--some ofthem are quite informative and entertaining.Nevertheless, I think some TV programmesmight be detrimental to children. (TVProgrammes) Do you think it is easy to learn anotherlanguage? Learning a second language isn t easy; ittakes hard work and practice. Having saidthat, many people do speak quite fluentlyafter a few years of study. (Language) Do you think studylng ,overseas is a goodWay for learning a second language? Studying a foreign language overseas ismuch more expensive than studying it athome; (but,) even so, it s definitely the bestway to learn a language. (Language).