作者简介 Colin D.Rudolph教授是美国威斯康星医学院儿科主任,是世界知名的儿科专家,为儿科学的发展与进步作出了卓越贡献。
目录 Contributors Preface Acknowledgments SECTION 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF PEDIATRICS SECTION 2: HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION Part 1: Health Maintenance Issues Part 2: Managing Family Transition SECTION 3: NUTRITION SECTION 4: ABUSE, NEGLECT, VIOLENCE SECTION 5: NEWBORN Part 1: Care of the Newborn Part 2: Infants at Risk Part 3: Specific Neonatal Conditions Part 4: Disorders Specifically Related to Preterm Birth SECTION 6: PRINCIPLES OF ADOLESCENT CARE Part 1: Growth and Development Part 2: Health Problems of Adolescents Part 3: Mental Health Disorders in the Adolescent Part 4: Reproductive Health Problems SECTION 7: DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS Part 1: General Concepts Part 2: Developmental Variation to Disorder Part 3: Major Psychopathologic Disorders Part 4: Psychosocial Context of Development and Behavior SECTION 8: THE ACUTELY ILL INFANT AND CHILD Part 1: Assessment of the Acutely Ill Infant and Child Part 2: Stabilization and Management of the Acutely Ill Infant and Child Part 3: Injuries and Untoward Events SECTION 9: THE CHRONICALLY ILL INFANT AND CHILD Part 1: The Changing Outlook of Chronic Illness in Childhood Part 2: Death and Dying in Childhood SECTION 10: TRANSPLANTATION SECTION 11: INHERITED DISORDERS OF METABOLISM Part 1: Inborn Errors of Metabolism Part 2: Disorders of Amino Acid (AA) and Organic Acid (OA) Metabolism Part 3: Inborn Errors of Water Soluble Vitamins 146. Introduction, Stephen I. Goodman 147.Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid, David Watkins and David S. Rosenblatt 148.Biotin Responsive Disorders, Stephen I. Goodman 149. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B1 Responsive Disorders, Jean-Marie Saudubray Part 4: Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation, Ketogenesis, and Ketolysis 150. Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation, Stephen I. Goodman 151.Disorders of Ketogenesis, Stephen I. Goodman 152. Disorders of Ketolysis, Stephen I. Goodman Part 5: Carbohydrate Metabolism Part 6: Disorders of Oxidative Phosphorylation and Pyruvate Oxidation Part 7: Organelle Related Disorders Part 8: Disorders of Lipid and Bile Acid Metabolism Part 9: Disorders of Nucleic Acids, Heme Metabolism, and Metals Transport SECTION 12: CLINICAL GENETICS AND DYSMORPHOLOGY Part 1: The Genetic Approach to Disorders of Children Part 2: Chromosomal Disorders Part 3: Birth Defects, Malformations, and Syndromes SECTION 13: IMMUNOLOGIC DISORDERS SECTION 14: ALLERGIC DISORDERS SECTION 15: RHEUMATOLOGY Part 1: General Principles in Rheumatology Part 2: Specific Rheumatologic Disorders Part 3: Systemic Syndromes in Rheumatology SECTION 16: THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM SECTION 17: INFECTIOUS DISEASES Part 1: Principles of Infectious Disease Part 2: Infections of Organ Systems Part 3: Infections of the Respiratory System Part 4: Treatment and Prevention of Infectious Diseases Part 5: Bacterial Infections Part 6: Fungal Infections Part 7: Viral Infections Part 8: Parasitic Infections--Nematodes Part 9: Parasitic Infections--Trematodes Part 10: Parasitic Infections--Protozoa SECTION 18: DISORDERS OF THE SKIN SECTION 19: DISORDERS OF THE EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT SECTION 20: DISORDERS OF THE ORAL CAVITY SECTION 21: DISORDERS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Part 1: Presenting Signs and Symptoms Part 2: Esophageal Disorders Part 3: Congenital and Anatomic Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Part 4: Disorders of Digestion and Absorption Part 5: Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Part 6: The Exocrine Pancreas SECTION 22: DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND BILIARY TRACT SECTION 23: DISORDERS OF THE BLOOD Part 1: Principles of Blood Disorders Part 2: Disorders of Red Blood Cells and Anemia Part 3: Disorders of Coagulation and Platelets Part 4: Disorders of the Spleen and Lymph Nodes Part 5: Disorders of White Blood Cells, Part 6: Principles of Transfusion SECTION 24: NEOPLASTIC DISORDERS Part 1: Principles of Oncology Part 2: Hematologic Malignancies Part 3: Solid Tumors Part 4: Mononuclear Phagocytic System Disorders SECTION 25: DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEY AND URINARY TRACT Part 1: Principles of Nephrology Part 2: Abnormalities of the Kidney and Urinary Tract SECTION 26: DISORDERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Cardiology Part 2: Approach to the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease Part 3: Acquired Cardiovascular Disease Part 4: Diagnostic Tools in Heart Disease Part 5: Management of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease SECTION 27: DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Pulmonology Part 2: Disorders of the Respiratory System SECTION 28: DISORDERS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM SECTION 29: DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Neurology Part 2: Abnormal Development of the Nervous System Part 3: Acute Deterioration of Neurologic Function Part 4: Epilepsy Part 5: Paroxysmal Disorders Part 6: Disorders of Strength, Tone, and Sensation Part 7: Developmental Delay and Regression SECTION 30: DISORDERS OF THE EYES Part 1: General Principles Part 2: Disorders of the Eye Index