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ICNIRS 2021 Proceedings
As a member of the spectral family, the NIR spectroscopy with the wavelengths between the UV–visible and mid-infrared spectra has been widely applied in many fields as a rapid and online analysis technique since the late 1960s under the leadership of Dr. Karl Norris. Especially in the past two decades, near-infrared spectroscopy has made great progress in agriculture, food, medicine, chemical industry, and other fields. The reason why NIR spectroscopy has become a powerful analysis technique is that it has completely changed the traditional analysis method of taking a sample back to laboratory for further characterization and realized the in situ and online analysis in many fields. The measurement of NIR spectrum is very flexible and convenient. It can directly and non-destructively analyze a variety of products that are closely related to our lives through different special measurement accessories without any sample pretreatment. Moreover, the NIR spectrum can be transmitted through a silica fiber, which means that the spectrometer can be used in measurement sites with complex working conditions, so it can be used for online analysis of large-scale installations such as petrochemicals to measure the composition and chemical properties of materials in real time. Nowadays, the application of NIR spectrometer covers almost all aspects of human life and plays an increasingly important role in scientific research, industry, agriculture, commerce, and other fields.
The biennial meeting of the International Council for NIR Spectroscopy is undoubtedly an academic event for the researchers on NIR spectroscopy. However, unfortunately, due to the impact of the global epidemic of COVID-19, in order to effectively protect the health of the participants, NIR2021 International Conference was finally opened as a form of an online conference. It has also become a historical event so far, the first international conference on near-infrared spectroscopy held online. A total of 316 delegates from 29 countries of six continents attended online the NIR2021 International Conference held in Beijing, and they presented us with the wonderful lectures, including two award presentations, five keynote lectures, and 66 oral presentations as well as 111 post presentations. Although the delegates could not attend this academic event by a face-to-face form, they must have also felt the powerful and wide development of NIR spectroscopy through these wonderful reports, just like the slogan of NIR2021, “Sense the Real Change”. All the participants sensed the various spectral information of NIR, the development of spectral theory and chemometrics, and the enhanced performance of instruments and measurement accessories. We also believe that every participant could personally sense the real changes of NIR spectroscopy in China, especially for its wide application in different field. The theme of the NIR2021 is indicated by the logo, which is “Rainbow: Diversity, Optimization, and Inspiration”. The rainbow in logo represents the spectrum, as well as a dragon of Chinese element. The dancing dragon means that NIR is taking off in the international technological arena, playing an increasingly important role in agriculture, food, chemical industry, and people’s daily lives. We strongly hope that the NIR2021 can make a great contribution to accelerate advancing NIR technology through constructing a strong human network on NIR spectroscopy in the world. We also have to sincerely thank all 15 sponsors, especially the two platinum sponsors ABB and REEMOON, who economically supported NIR2021 even without the live exhibition.
The scientific program was divided into seven sections: (1) Spectroscopy Theory and Chemometrics, (2) Instrument, Accessory, and Experimental Technology, (3) Agriculture, (4) Pharmaceutical and Chemistry, (5) Biomedicine, Environment, and fNIR; (6) PAT and Imaging, and (7) Aquaphotomics. In each section, one keynote lecture and around four to eight oral presentations were selected. Around 100 poster presentations were performed at the conference. The keynote lectures were as follows: (1) Roumiana Tsenkova from Kobe University gave an overview on the development and application of NIR spectroscopy in Aquaphotomics; (2) Heinz Siesler from the University of Duisburg-Essen talked about the test and application of miniaturized handheld vibrational spectrometers over the last ten years; (3) Richard Crocombe from Crocombe Spectroscopic Consulting introduced the New Technologies and Applications of Ever-Shrinking Spectrometer; (4) Da-Wen Sun from University College Dublin talked about the Advances in Hyperspectral Imaging Technology for Food Quality and Safety Detection and Control; (5) Peiwu Li from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences talked about the Application of NIRS Technology in the Development of Green Animal Husbandry. Yukihiro Ozaki, as the winner of the Karl Norris Award from Kansai Gakuin University, gave a lecture with the title: “NIR Spectroscopy-What a Wonderful World!”. Vincent Baeten, as the winner of Tomas Hirschfeld Award from Walloon Agricultural Research Center, gave a lecture with the title: “The treachery of NIRS applications: authentic or not?”. These programs can be seen at the homepage of NIR2021 .
The selected papers in NIR2021 Proceedings have been professionally reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Although there are only about 30 papers in the NIR2021 Proceedings, these papers cover almost all the research fields and the practical applications of NIR spectroscopy, from which we can clearly see the hotspots and frontiers of NIR research and application in recent years. We hope that you will enjoy reading the NIR2021 Proceedings and these original researches could promote the investigation and the further development of NIR spectroscopy.
Finally, we hope that the COVID-19 epidemic will end soon. Looking forward to seeing you all at the NIR2023 Innsbruck. Warmest regards.
Hongfu Yuan
Xiaoli Chu
Longhai Guo
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