作者简介 This standard is approved by Ministry of Water Resources of the People s Republic of China. This standard is explained by General Institute of Water Resources and HydropowerPlanning and Design, Ministry of Water Resources. This standard is chiefly draftedby China Water Northeastern Investigation, Design and Research Co., Ltd. This standard is jointly drafted by POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, POWERCHINA ChengduEngineering Corporation Limited and Investigation and Design Institute of WaterResources and Hydropower Liaoning Province. This standard is published and distributed by China Water & Power Press. Chief drafters: JIN Zhenghao, SONG Shouping, FAN Jingchun,GU Yixin, JIANG Shuli, ZHANG Jianhui, WANG Chao, QI Liwei, HUANG Dongjun, JIANG Hongjun,LIU Chaoqing and MENG Hao. The leading expert of the technical review meeting of this standard is XIE Hongbing.
目录 Introduction to English Translation
1General Provisions ..
2Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols ..
3Conditions for Setting Surge Chambers .
3.IPrinciple for Provision of Surge Chambers
3.2 Initial Judgment on Provision of Surge Chambers
4Layout of Surge Chambers
4.1 Location Selection for Surge Chambers
4.2Pattern and Principle of Surge Chamber Arrangement .
4.3 Basic Types and Selection of Surge Chambers
5 Conventional Surge Chambers
5.1 Stable Cross-Sectional Area of Surge Chambers .
5.2 Surge Calculation for Surge Chamber ..
5.3 Basic Sizes of Surge Chambers .
6 Air Cushion Surge Chambers
7 Design of Surge Chambers for Water Diversion
7.1 General ..
7.2 Setting Principle of Surge Chambers .
7.3 Types and Selection of Surge Chambers .
7.4 Sizing of Surge Chambers
8 Structural Design and Detailing Requirements
8.1General .
8.2 Structural Design ..
8.3 Detailing Requirements
9Physieal Model Tests. Safety Monitoring and Operation
Management ..
9.1 Physical Model Tests
9.2 Safety Monitoring..
9.3 Operation Management..
Annex A Head Loss Calculation for Pressure Conduits
A.1 Friction Losses ..
A.2 Form Losses
Annex B Surge Calculation for Conventional Surge
B.1 General.
B.2 Simple Surge Chambers .
B.3 Restricted Orifice Surge Chambers
B.4TwoCompartment and Overflow Surge Chambers
B.5Differential Surge Chambers ..
Annex C Surge Calculation for Air Cushion Surge
Chambers ..
Explanation of Wording
精彩内容 This standard is formulated according to the plan of the formulation and revision of technical standards of water resources and the requirements of SL 1-2002, Specification for the Drafting of Technical Standards of Water Resources. This standard is composedof 9 chapters and 3 annexes. The main contents include the following: - Conditions for setting surge chambers. - Arrangement of surge chambers. -Conventional surge chambers. -Air cushion surge chambers. -Design of surge chambers for water diversion projects.-Structural design and detailing requirements. -Model test, safety monitoring and operation management.