目录 The Orange Cube “橙色立方”展厅 OWG/OWGes Headquarters OWG/OWGes总部 Social Services Center in Móstoles 莫斯托莱斯社会服务中心 PITA and TECNOVA Headquarters PITA和TECNOVA总部 Office Building in Pujades 22@ Pujades 22@办公大楼 WestendDuo Office Tower 双子塔办公大楼 German Stock Exchange 德国证券交易所 Polymer Laboratory 聚合体实验大楼 Office Building and Logistic Center 意大利办公楼及物流中心 Office Building of Landesimmobilien Gesellschaft in Graz 格拉茨置地房地产公司办公楼 Alexander Forbes Head Office 安博集团总部 Atrium Amras Office Building Atrium Amras办公大楼 Spiegel and Ericus buildings Spiegel和Ericus大楼 ZAC Claude Bernard Office ZAC Claude Bernard办公大楼 B5 Building for RCS mediagroup RCS媒体集团B5办公楼 Office Building on Leninskiy Prospekt Leninskiy Prospekt大道办公楼 “La Cite des Affaires” Office Building in Saint-Etienne 圣艾蒂安“La Cite des Affaires”办公大楼The Monolith , Lyon Confluence Monolith办公大楼 Energie Steiermark Headquarters Energie Steiermark总部办公楼 Vidre Negre office Vidre Negre办公建筑 Kuggen Office Building Kuggen办公大楼 EDF Archives Center 法国电力公司档案中心 FIS-SST Office Building FIS-SST办公大楼 Meridian Building Meridian办公大楼 iGuzzini Illuminazione Spanish Headquarters 依古姿妮照明西班牙总部 20th Street Offices 20街区办公大楼 The Net Metropolis, 5th Avenue 第5大道Net Metropolis办公大楼 Regional Headquarters Office Building and GIS Substation of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus 塞浦路斯电力局GIS变电站及区域总部办公楼 Amagerforbraending Amagerforbraending废物处理厂及滑雪道 Kish RF10 基士RF10大厦 TEDA Times Financial Center 泰达时代金融广场 “Le Cinq” Office Tower Le Cinq办公楼
内容摘要 The program for the new municipal social services center in Móstoles, Madrid, has two strong advantages. On the one hand being a building of multiple identical spaces, situated within the weft of a new area of urban expansion, without conditions beyond that of the street and solar orientation. On the other hand, the relationship of the building with the environment, is based on a situation of respect for the environment that has little to do with technological systems, but with proven logic. While, the program of uses appears in the best way possible to optimize routes and to generate a compact building that permits simple maintenance without expense. The first procedure of the design that was undertaken was lightening the building volume by removing mass to create exterior spaces. Through a process of extraction, these exterior volumes were created to provide multifunctional public or private outside spaces, like outdoor rooms for recreation. The second procedure involved inserting a representative volume that connected the passageway and the multifunctional room. Both pieces appear as a unique volume and a continuous, flexible space, that permits colored light to penetrate into the space from the large open volumes. This is the core of the project and its image. The third procedure wrapped the building in a thin regulatory skin that generates a thermal and solar buffer whilst maintaining internal visual privacy without hindering external views. 新建的马德里莫斯托莱斯社会服务中心有两大优势:一方面,莫斯托莱斯坐落于城市扩展区的西部,是一座有着多个相同空间的大厦,置身于一个新的、统一的城市肌理内部;另一方面,建筑与周围环境的关系基于对周围环境的尊重,这种尊重是通过传统的手段实现的,而非先进的技术手段。同时,从用途来看,该项目以最佳的方式优化了路线,使整个建筑结构显得十分紧凑,同时也使大楼的维护变得简单。 该设计的第一步是减轻建筑体量,从而创造大楼的外部空间。通过抽取,将这些外部空间转化为多功能的公共或私人户外空间,比如室外娱乐空间。第二步是插入一个有代表性的体量,连接通道和多功能活动室。这两种方案均能体现出空间的独特性、持久性和可变通性,也能让开放空间里五颜六色的灯光穿透到各个空间,这也是该项目及其形象的核心。第三步是将大楼包裹在一层可调控的薄皮之中,它不仅能产生热量还能缓冲太阳能,在保证内部视觉隐私的同时也不阻碍外部的视野。