精彩内容 《下唇再造术图谱》是关于下唇由于病变施术后造成缺损进行修复再造术的参考工具书。通过文字和插图描述了从1823年开始的DELPECH技术到今天一共192年的时间段里95种不同的技术,余健民博士提出并研发了自己新的、可运用于下唇缺损2/3情况下的下唇修复技术。书中,余博士详细介绍了所有的手术方法,促进了口腔颌面外科在下唇修复再造领域的进步发展,并对由于病变或创伤造成下唇缺失需要进行修复的患者有所帮助。ATLAS OF LOWER LIP RECONSTRUCTION is a compendium for the reconstruction of the lower lip after defect esection. After de*ion and illustration of 95 methods of lower lip reconstruction from around the world that have begun with the technique according to DELPECH in 1823 and therefore cover a period of 192 years, Dr. Dr. Yu Jianmin made a breakthrough with a new method of econstructing a new lower lip with a defect of two thirds. All operation methods were vividly illustrated by Mr. Yu. This gave impetus to urther development of oral and maxillofacial surgery in the area of lower lip reconstruction which could help patients to obtain a new lower lip that was lost through illness or trauma.