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作者Mihanban O.Pekguleryuz,Karl U. Kainer,A. Arslan Kaya[主编]
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1 Primary production of magnesium
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Raw materials and production methods
1.3 Chemistry of extraction of magnesium from raw material
1.4 Fused salt electrolysis
1.5 Impurity removal chemistry in thermal processing
1.6 Process equipment
1.7 Melting, refining and casting magnesium
1.8 Magnesium alloy powder
1.9 Future trends
1.10 Conclusion
1.11 References
2 Physical metallurgy of magnesium
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Crystal structure and its consequences
2.3 Plastic deformation behaviour of magnesium and its alloys
2.4 Critical resolved shear stress (CRSS), slip and twinning
2.5 Fatigue behaviour
2.6 Creep behaviour
2.7 Recrystallization and grain growth
2.8 Future trends
2.9 References
3 Thermodynamic properties of magnesium alloys
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Fundamentals of thermodynamics
3.3 Thermodynamic properties of Mg alloys and compounds
3.4 First-principles thermodynamics of Mg alloys and compounds
3.5 Future trends
3.6 Acknowledgements
3.7 References
4 Understanding precipitation processes in magnesium alloys
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Precipitation from supersaturated solid solution
4.3 Precipitation hardening magnesium based alloy systems
4.4 Role of precipitation hardening in the development of high strength magnesium alloys
4.5 Conclusions and future trends
4.6 Sources of further information and advice
4.7 References
5 Alloying behavior of magnesium and alloy design
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Alloy design: solid solution alloying of magnesium
5.3 Alloy design: compound formation in magnesium alloys
5.4 The effects of second phases on the mechanical behavior of magnesium
5.5 Alloying with surface-active elements
5.6 Alloying elements and their effects
5.7 Summary: magnesium alloy design to enhance properties
5.8 References
6 Forming of magnesium and its alloys
7 Corrosion and surface finishing of magnesium and its alloys
8 Applications: aerospace, automotive andother structural applications of magnesium
9 Applications: magnesium-based metal matrix composites (MMCs)
10 Applications: use of magnesium in medical applications
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