内容摘要 The Court of first instance deems that the allegedly infringing product has three regressiontechnical features and one equivalent technical feature as compared to the patent in suit,making it inferior to the patent technology of Zhilian Company. So the technology whichGaolian Company holds, as a regression technology, infringes the Zhilian Company sexclusive patent right of exploitation. According to the patent description, the water circuit breaker has a complicatedbreathing apparatus that can inhale and exhale regularly when the system is unstable, inorder to maintain the normal pressure in the system. The system adopts water sealtechnology. The buffer device of Gaolian Company, however, has a check exhaust valvethat is only able to perform exhalation but riot inhalation. As a result, the system cannotrun when it is unstable, especially when the pre:ssure in the buffer device is below the atmospheric pressure. The check ...