目录 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTIONSection 1 The Content, Purpose and Requirements of Functional Experiments Course1.1.1 Content1.1.2 Purpose1.1.3 Requirements1.1.4 Format of Experiment ReportSection 2 Basic Knowledge Required in the Functional Experiments1.2.1 Basic Knowledge about Laboratory Animals1.2.2 How to Calculate the Drug Dosage to Animals1.2.3 Animal Handling and Different Routes of Administration1.2.4 Anesthesia of Laboratory AnimalsSection 3 Common Apparatus Used in Functional Experiments1.3.1 RM6240C Channel Physiological Signal Acquiring and Processing System1.3.2 BL-420 Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Life Science1.3.3 BI-2000 System of Image Processing and Analysis1.3.4 Computer and Local Network Technique Used in the Teaching CHAPTER TWO BASIC EXPERIMENTS IN FUNCTIONAL EXPERIMENTSSection 1 Analog Experiments on the Computer or Machine2.1.1 Analog Experiments of Electro-physiology of the Calamarys Huge Axon on the Computer2.1.2 Analog Experiments of Mechanics of Muscle Contraction on the Computer2.1.3 Analog Experiments of One Compartment Open Model on the Machine2.1.4 Analog Experiments of Two Compartment Open Model on the MachineSection 2 Functional Experiments on Isolated Preparations2.2.1 Preparation of Sciatic Nerve-Gastrocnemius (SNG) Samples2.2.2 Influences of the Muscle Contraction through Different Stimulation Intensities2.2.3 Influences of the Muscle Contraction through Different Stimulation Frequencies2.2.4 Preparation of Isolated Toad Heart2.2.5 Observation and Recording of Toads Heart Beat .. 2.2.6 The Effects of Electrolyte on the Heart Activity2.2.7 The Physiological Characters of the Rabbit Small Intestine Segment in-vitro2.2.8 The Influence of Drugs on Isolated Toad Heart2.2.9 Effect of Drugs on Receptors in Isolated Intestine Smooth Muscle of a RabbitSection 3 Functional Experiments on Intact Preparations2.3.1 The Discharge of Rabbit Depressor Nerve2.3.2 Factors that Affect the Urine Formation in a Rabbit2.3.3 Comparing the Effects of Pentobarbital Sodium on Mice by Different Routes of Administration2.3.4 The Surface Anesthesia Effect of Tetracaine and Procaine on Rabbit Eyes2.3.5 The Epidural Anesthesia Effect of Procaine on Rabbits2.3.6 Mensuration Dose-effect Curve of NA on Blood Pressure in Rabbits2.3.7 Effect of Chlorpromazine on Body Temperature Regulation in RatsCHAPTER THREE INTEGRATED AND ADVANCED EXPERIMENTS INFUNCTIONAL EXPERIMENTSSection 1 Multi-physiological Index Observation on Animal Body3.1.1 Nervous and Humoral Regulation of Arterial Blood Pressure in a Rabbit3.1.2 The Stimulus Effects on the Motor Area in Pallium of a Rabbit3.1.3 Nervous Regulation of the Respiratory Movement in a Rabbit3.1.4 Mensuration of ED50 of Sodium Pentobarbital in Mice3.1.5 Effects of Drugs on Cardiovascular System of a RabbitSection 2 Preparation of Animal Disease Model3.2.1 A Rabbit Model for Hyperkalemia3.2.2 An Analysis of Experimental Edema in Toads3.2.3 Characterization of the Different Types of Hypoxia3.2.4 A Rabbit Model of Acute Hemorrhagic Shock3.2.5 The Effects of Ammonia on Hepatic EncephalopathySection 3 Therapeutic Effects of Drugs on Animal Body3.3.1 Intoxication and Detoxication of Organophosphorus3.3.2 Anticonvulsant Effect of Drugs in Mice3.3.3 Observation of Analgesic Action of Drugs with Turning Trunk Method in Mice3.3.4 Toxic Effect of Streptomycin Sulfate and Antagonistic Effect of Calcium Chloride on a Rat3.3.5 Diuretic Effect of Drugs on a Rabbit3.3.6 Effect of Glucocorficoids on Permeability of Capillary Vessels in MiceCHAPTER FOUR EXAMINATION ITEMS IN FUNCTIONAL EXPERIMENTSSection 1 Observation and Preparation of Isolated Animal Samples4.1.1 Observation and Recording of Toads Heart Bea4.1.2 Preparation of Sciatic Nerve-Gastrocnemius (SNG) SamplesSection 2 Analysis and Preparation of Animal Disease Model4.2.1 A Rabbit Model of Acute Hemorrhagic Shock4.2.2 Nervous and HumoralRegulafion of Arterial Blood Pressure in a Rabbit4.2.3 Factors that Affect the Urine FormationSection 3 An Analysis of Effects of Different Drugs on Animals or Samples4.3.1 Effect of Drugs on Receptors in Isolated Intestine Smooth Muscle4.3.2 Analysis of the Effects of Drugs Acting on the Central Nerve SystemAPPENDIXPreparation and Component of Experimental SolutionPhysiological Constants of Laboratory AnimalsREFERENCE