内容摘要 If a beautiful and convenient opportunity to help the fatherland in itsgreatest distress and to return it, from its impending spoilation anddestruction, to its flourishing prosperity has never before presenteditself, then it is offered to you now by the exceptional mercy andfavour of the Lord. It thus appears as though God, the Lord, movedto pity by the wretched misery of the people, is now admonishing you,and offering you his help to bring this affair to a good and blessedend. For it is certain and obvious that unless this Dutch war is rapidlyterminated by a good peace and a common treaty, we can expect firstgruesome bloodshed and harmful disruption, and then the totalspoilation and demise of our dear fatherland, together with the sadyoke of foreign nations, which, due to our discord, will imprison usand our offspring eternally. We shall become booty and loot for all ourneighbours, without meanwhile making any progress in...
主编推荐 This is a major new English-language edition of five central texts in the historyof the political thought of the Dutch Revolt. Published between 1570 and1590 these texts exemplify the development of the political ideas whichmotivated and legitimated the resistance to the government of Philip lI in theLow Countries, and which became the cmcial part of the ideologicalfoundations of the Dutch Republic as it started to become one of Europe'smain powers. Ks is shown by the 1570'Defence and True Declaration', the1576 Address and Opening', the 1579 ' Brief Discourse', the 1582 PoliticalEducation and the 1587 ' Short Exposition ' notions of liberty,constitutionalism, representation and popular soverei~ty were of centralimportance to the political thought and the revolutionary events of the DutchRevolt. In the introduction, which locates the five texts in their political andintellectual context, Martin van Gelderen argues that the Revolt's oliticalthought was as much inspired by the indigenous legacy of Dutchconstitutionalism and civic consciousness as by the intellectual legacy of thelateMiddle Ages, Renaissance and Refomaation.Biographical notes and numerous annotations are provided to aid the student mexploring some of the most innovative texts of the Dutch Revolt; this editionalso includes a chronology of the Revolt's main events and a guide to furtherreading.