目录 《新视野初级商务汉语口语1》 这是我的名片 This is my name card 几点到北京 When will we arrive in Beijing? 明天天气不好 The weather is not nice tomorrow 去购物中心看看 Let’S go to the shopping center 你住哪个小区 Which residential district do you live in? 我去浙江工商大学 Im going to Zhejiang Gongshang University 你吃饭了吗 Have you eaten? 这个周末你干什么 What will you do this coming weekend 家人和职业 Family members and occupations 1美元换多少人民币 How much RMB can be changed for one US dollar? 我带您去酒店 Let me take you to the hotel 每天都有好多工作 There is much work to do every day 假期安排 Holiday arrangement 你租的房子怎么样 How is the apartment you rent? 成绩出来了吗 Have the test results come out? 生词表 New words 编写说明 Instructions 《新视野初级商务汉语口语2》 《新视野初级商务汉语口语3》