Part 1 Five-dimensional Theory of Negotiation 1 Chapter 1 “1555” Theory of Negotiation 3 Chapter 2 Five-dimensional Model of Negotiation (OBTET) 4 1. On the Negotiating Table 4 2. Beyond the Negotiating Table 4 3. Third Party 9 4. Energy Class 15 5. Time Field 19 Chapter 3 Empirical Analysis on Negotiation Dimensions 24 1. Model Specification 26 2. Descriptive Statistical Analysis 30 3. Measurement Results and Analysis 33 4. Conclusion and Recommendations 40 Chapter 4 Five Techniques to Improve Persuasiveness 42 1. Use Reason and Emotion 42 2. Authoritative Statistics v.s. Individual Vivid Example 44 3. Unilateral Argument v.s. Comparison and Demonstration 44 4. Opinion Appearance Order 45 5. Difference Between Opinions 45 Chapter 5 Five Ultimate Weapons to Break the Deadlock 47 1. Put aside Dispute, Shift the Subject 47 2. Create a Deadlock, Trap the Other Party in a Dilemma 47 3. Find Creative Solutions, Provide the BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement) 50 4. Make Sudden Concessions in the Deadlock, Make Your Rival Feel Surprised, and Follow Trend to Create a Favorable Agreement 50 5. Introduce New Mechanisms or Set New Rules 52
Part 2 Phasic Theory of Negotiation (One-dimensional Tactic) 55 Chapter 6 Preparedness Ensures Success: Preparatory Phase 57 1. Background Investigation 57 2. Methods of Background Investigation 58 3. Preparation for Business Negotiation 60 Chapter 7 Gain the Initiative: Create a Negotiation Atmosphere 67 1. Preparation 67 2. Associate with Your Opponent 72 3. Create Environment 85 Chapter 8 The Opening Phase Plays a Decisive Role 93 1. The Secrets of Making an Offer 93 2. Strategies for the Opening Phase of Negotiation 94 Chapter 9 Seize Control in the Midfield Phase 113 1. What Are Midfield Strategies 113 2. Midfield Strategies 114 Chapter 10 Secure the Victory in the Final Phase 132 1. Why Adopt Endgame Strategies 132 2. Types of Endgame Strategies 132 Chapter 11 Detail Decides Success or Failure: Negotiation of Business Contract Clauses 148 1. Negotiation of Contract Clauses 148 2. Principles of Negotiation of Contract Clauses 148 3. Composition of Contract Clauses 151 Chapter 12 Execution Phase Features the Core Part 165 1. Matters That Need Attention 165 2. Execution Phase 167 Chapter 13 Use Chinese Wisdom to Break the Deadlock in Negotiations 169 1. Yin and Yang in Tai Chi 169 2. Harmony in Diversity 170 3. Golden Mean 172 4. Make Peace after Hard Struggles 173 5. Win Without Any Strife 176 6. Retreat in Order to Advance 177 7. Keep a Low Profile, and Stoop to Compromise 179 Chapter 14 Business Banquet Etiquette after Negotiation 182 1. Chinese Dining Etiquette 182 2. Western Table Manners 205
Part 3 Cross-cultural Negotiations 225 Chapter 15 Cultural Game: Negotiation Styles Around the World 227 1. Western Peoples Impressions of Chinese Businessmen 227 2. Negotiation Characteristics of Different Countries 229
Part 4 Mind Reading in the Negotiations 239 Chapter 16 Mind Reading in the Negotiations 241 1. Body Language 241 2. Emotional States 255 3. Communication Modes 256 4. Speech Styles 257 5. Psychological Symptoms 257 6. Other Combined Clues 258 APPENDIX 262