目录 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1.2 Significance and Implication of Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Civil Infrastructures 1.3 Research Framework and Outlines References 2 High-Fidelity Computational Models for Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Tall Buildings 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Fiber-Beam Element Model 2.2.1 Fundamental Principles 2.2.2 Uniaxial Stress-Strain Model of Concrete 2.2.3 Uniaxial Stress-Strain Model of Steel Reinforcement 2.2.4 Validation Through Reinforced Concrete Specimens 2.2.5 Stress-Strain Model of Composite Components 2.2.6 Steel Fiber-Beam Element Model Considering the Local Buckling Effect 2.3 Multi-layer Shell Model 2.3.1 Fundamental Principles 2.3.2 High-Performance Flat Shell Element NLDKGQ 2.3.3 High-Performance Triangular Shell Element NLDKGT 2.3.4 Constitutive Models of Concrete and Steel 2.3.5 Implementation of Multi-layer Shell Element in OpenSees 2.3.6 Validation Through Reinforced Concrete Specimens 2.3.7 Collapse Simulation of an RC Frame-Core Tube Tall Building 2.4 Hysteretic Hinge Model 2.4.1 Overview 2.4.2 The Proposed Hysteretic Hinge Model 2.4.3 Validation of the Proposed Hysteretic Hinge Model 2.5 Multi-scale Modeling 2.5.1 Overview 2.5.2 InterfaceModeling 2.6 Element Deactivation and Collapse Simulation 2.6.1 Element Deactivation for Component Failure Simulation 2.6.2 Visualization of the Movement of Deactivated Elements Using Physics Engine 2.7 GPU-Based High-Performance Matrix Solvers for OpenSees 2.7.1 Fundamental Conception of General-Purpose Computing on GPU (GPGPU) 2.7.2 High-Performance Solver for the Sparse System of Equations (SOE) in OpenSees 2.7.3 Case Studies 2.8 Physics Engine-Based High-Performance Visualization 2.8.1 Overview 2.8.2 Overall Visualization Framework 2.8.3 Clustering-Based Key Frame Extractions 2.8.4 Parallel Frame Interpolation 2.9 Summary References 3 Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Typical Supertall Buildings 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Earthquake Disaster Simulation of the Shanghai Tower 3.2.1 Overview of the Shanghai Tower 3.2.2 Finite Element Model of the Shanghai Tower 3.2.3 Earthquake-Induced Collapse Simulation 3.2.4 Impact of Soil–Structure Interaction 3.3 Earthquake Disaster Simulation and Design Optimization of the CITIC Tower 3.3.1 Introduction of the CITIC Tower 3.3.2 Different Lateral Force Resisting Systems of CITIC Tower and the Finite Element Models 3.3.3 Earthquake-Induced Collapse Simulation of the Half-Braced Scheme 3.3.4 Earthquake-Induced Collapse Simulation of the Fully-Braced Scheme 3.3.5 Comparison Between the Two Design Schemes 3.3.6 Optimal Design of Minimum Base Shear Force Contents xvii 3.3.7 Optimal Design of Brace-Embedded Shear Wall 3.4 Summary References 4 Comparison of Seismic Design and Resilience of Tall Buildings Based on Chinese and US Design Codes 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 From Performance-Based Design to Resilience-Based Design 4.1.2 The Rationale of Design Code Comparison 4.2 Comparison of RC Buildings Based on the Chinese and US Design Codes 4.2.1 Comparison of the Seismic Designs 4.2.2 Comparison of the Structural Performance 4.2.3 Comparison of the Seismic Resilience 4.2.4 Concluding Remarks 4.3 Comparison of Steel Buildings Based on the Chinese and US Design Codes 4.3.1 Comparison of the Seismic Designs 4.3.2 Comparison of the Structural Performance 4.3.3 Comparison of the Seismic Resilience 4.3.4 Concluding Remarks 4.4 Summary References 5 Simplified Models for Earthquake Disaster Simulation of Supertall Buildings 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Flexural-Shear Model 5.2.1 Fundamental Concepts of the Flexural-Shear Model 5.2.2 Flexural-Shear Models of Supertall Buildings 5.3 Floor Acceleration Control of Supertall Buildings with Vibration Reduction Substructures 5.3.1 Overview 5.3.2 Concept of the VRS 5.3.3 Analytical Model of 300 m Supertall Buildings and Ground Motion Records 5.3.4 Floor Acceleration Reduction Effect of VRS 5.3.5 Determination of the Optimal Frequency of the VRS 5.3.6 Validation 5.3.7 Concluding Remarks 5.4 Ground Motion Intensity Measure (IM) for Supertall Buildings 5.4.1 Research Background 5.4.2 A Brief Review of the Existing IMs 5.4.3 An Improved IM for Supertall Buildings 5.4.4 Comparison of Different IMs 5.4.5 Comparison of Different IMs Through IDA-Based Collapse Simulation 5.5 The Fishbone Model 5.5.1 Fundamental Concept of the Fishbone Model 5.5.2 The Fishbone Model of the Shanghai Tower 5.5.3 The Fishbone Models of the CITIC Tower 5.6 Summary References 6 Seismic Resilient Outriggers and Multi-hazard Resilient Frames 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Seismic Resilient Outriggers 6.2.1 Research Background 6.2.2 BRB Outriggers 6.2.3 Sacrificial-Energy Dissipation Outrigger 6.2.4 Friction Damped Outrigger 6.3 Multi-hazard Resistant Concrete Frames 6.3.1 Research Background 6.3.2 Experimental Program 6.3.3 Experimental Results 6.3.4 Numerical Simulation of MHRPC Specimens Based on OpenSees 6.3.5 Analytical Model for MHRPC Frame 6.4 Multi-hazard Resilient Composite Frames 6.4.1 Research Background 6.4.2 SAS Components 6.4.3 Experimental Study of MHRSCCF 6.4.4 DesignMethod forMHRSCCF 6.5 Summary References 7 Building Models for City-Scale Nonlinear Time-History Analyses 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 The Probability Matrix Method 7.1.2 The Capacity Spectrum Method 7.1.3 The Simulation Method Based on Nonlinear MDOF Models and Time-History Analyses 7.1.4 Organization of This Chapter 7.2 Nonlinear MDOF Shear Model of Multi-story Buildings 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Nonlinear MDOF Shear Model 7.2.3 Parameter Determination for Multi-story Buildings in China 7.2.4 Parameter Determination of Backbone Curve Based on the HAZUS Data 7.2.5 Calibration of the Hysteretic Parameter 7.2.6 Validation of the Proposed Parameter DeterminationMethod 7.3 Nonlinear MDOF Flexural-Shear Model of Tall Buildings 7.3.1 Overview 7.3.2 Nonlinear MDOF Flexural-Shear Model 7.3.3 Parameter Calibration Based on Building Attribute Data 7.3.4 Validation and Application of the Proposed NMFS Model to Individual Tall Buildings 7.3.5 Application of the Proposed NMFS Model for Seismic Simulation of Regional Tall Buildings 7.4 Parametric Sensitivity Study on City-Scale Nonlinear THA 7.4.1 Research Background 7.4.2 The FOSM and Monte Carlo Methods 7.4.3 Case Study 7.4.4 Concluding Remarks 7.5 City-Scale Nonlinear Time-History Analysis Considering Site-City Interaction Effects 7.5.1 Research Background 7.5.2 City-Scale Nonlinear THA of Buildings Considering SCI Effects 7.5.3 Validation Using Shaking Table Test 7.5.4 Case Study of SCI Effects in a 3D Basin 7.5.5 Case Study of Tsinghua University Campus 7.5.6 Concluding Remarks 7.6 Multi-LOD Seismic-Damage Simulation of Urban Buildings 7.6.1 Research Background 7.6.2 Multi-source Data and Multi-LOD Seismic-Damage Simulation 7.6.3 Implementation of the Multi-LOD Seismic-Damage Simulation 7.7 Summary References 8 Regional Seismic Loss Estimation of Buildings 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The Building-Level Loss Estimation Method 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Damage Assessment of Multi-story Buildings 8.2.3 Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Tall Buildings 8.3 Regional Seismic Loss Prediction Based on FEMA P and Field Investigation Data 8.3.1 Overview 8.3.2 Prediction Methodology 8.3.3 Case Study: Regional Seismic Loss Prediction of the Tsinghua University Campus 8.3.4 Results and Discussion on Seismic Loss Predictions 8.3.5 Findings of the Seismic Loss Prediction Study 8.4 Seismic Loss Predictions Based on BIM and FEMA P 8.4.1 Overview 8.4.2 Integrated BIM and FEMA P-58 Framework 8.4.3 Technical Implementation 8.4.4 Case Study 8.4.5 Concluding Remarks 8.5 Seismic Loss Assessment Using Various-LOD BIM Data 8.5.1 Overview 8.5.2 Limitations of the FEMA P-58 Method 8.5.3 Vulnerability Function of Building Components with Various LODs 8.5.4 Modeling Rules and the Information Extraction for BIM 8.5.5 Case Study 8.5.6 Concluding Remarks 8.6 Seimsic Loss Prediction Combiningg GIS and FEMA P-58 8.6.1 Overview 8.6.2 Estimate the Type of Components 8.6.3 Estimate the Quantity of Components 8.7 Summary References 9 Visualization and High-Performance Computing for City-Scale Nonlinear Time-History Analyses 9.1 Introduction 9.2 2.5 D Visualization Model 9.3 3D Visualization Model 9.3.1 Overview 9.3.2 The Proposed 3D Simulation Methodology 9.3.3 3D-GIS Data Generation 9.3.4 High-Fidelity Visualization Using 3D Urban Polygon Model 9.3