目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Development and current situation of oncology 1.2 Introduction to cancer epidemiology 1.3 The expectation of clinical onco]ogy Chapter 2 Tumor Epiderniology 2.1 Overview 2.2 Risk factors for cancer 2.3 Research methods of cancer epidemiology 2.4 Cancer prevention Chapter 3 Etiology and Pathogenesis of Tumor 3.1 Genetic factors 3.2 Virus and cancer Chapter 4 Biological Behavior of Tumor 4.1 The growth kinetics and regulatory mechanisms of tumor cells 4.2 Tumor angiogenesis 4.3 Progression and heterogeneity of tumor 4.4 Invasion and metastasis of tumor Chapter 5 Tumor Pathology 5.1 Definition and role of pathology 5.2 Classification of malignant neoplasms 5.3 Methodologies used in tumor pathology 5.4 Molecular diagnosis used in tumor pathology 5.5 Tumor pathology in clinical practice, using colorectal cancer as an example 5.6 Role of pathology and pathologist in multidisciplinary term approaches to cancer management 5.7 Future of tumor pathology Chapter 6 Application of Imaging Medicine in Oncology 6.1 The application of X-ray in oneology 6.2 The application of CT in ontology 6.3 The application of MRI in oncology 6.4 The application of ultrasound in oncology 6.5 The application of nuclear medicine in ontology Chapter 7 Laboratory Examinations of Tumor 7.1 Summary of key points 7.2 Tumor markers 7.3 Clinical application and prospect of tumor markers 7.4 Combined detection and application of hepatoeellular carcinoma markers 7.5 Other laboratory tests Chapter 8 Endoscopic Diagnosis of Tumor 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 8.3 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 8.4 Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy 8.5 Fiberoptic bronchoscopy Chapter 9 Clinical Diagnosis and Evaluation of Tumor 9.1 Clinical diagnosis or tumor 9.2 Evaluation of tumor Chapter 10 Surgical Treatment for Tumor 10.1 Concept of surgical oncology 10.2 History and evolution of surgical oncology 10.3 Principles of surgical therapy in ontology 10.4 Principles of quality control in surgical oncology:surgical eoasequence of abdominal irradiation 10.5 Progress on surgical oncology Chapter 11 Principle of Chemotherapy for Tumor 11.1 Overview of chemotherapy 11.2 Cell cycle and tumor biology 11.3 Chemotherapy agents : overview and mechanisms 11.4 Side effects of chemotherapy 11.5 Principles, of clinical application of chemotherapy Chapter 12 Basics of Radiation Oncology 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Brife history of radiation oncology 12.3 Overview of radiation physics 12.4 The radiobiology of radiation therapy 12.5 Clinical radiation ontology 12.6 Delivery techniques for radiation therapy 12.7 Specialized radiotherapy techniques and facilities 12.8 Future directions Chapter 13 Endocrine Therapy of Cancer 13.1 Brief history of endocrine therapy 13.2 Biological basis of cancer endocrine therapy 13.3 Endocrine therapy strategy for cancer 13.4 Toxicity management of endocrine therapy 13.5 Mechanism of endocrine therapy resistance 13.6 Strategy for endocrine therapy resistance Chapter 14 Immunotherapy of Cancer 14.1 Brief history of tumor immunotherapy 14.2 The biological basis of tumor immunotherapy 14.3 Strategies for cancer.immunotherapy 14.4 Management of immunotherapy related toxicity 14.5 Comprehensive immune status assessment 14.6 Immunomodulatory effects of traditional anticaneer therapy Chapter 15 Minimally Invasive Tumor Therapy 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Intravascular minimally invasive tumor therapy 15.3 Nonvascular minimally invasive tumor therapy 15.4 Integrated therapy Chapter 16 Molecular Targeted Therapy For Cancer and Precision Medicine 16.1 Molecular targeted therapy for cancer 16.2 Precision medicine Chapter 17