CHAPTER Ⅰ REAL VARIABLES 1-2.Rational numbers 3-7.Irrational numbers 8.Real numbers 9.Relations of magnitude between real numbers 10-11.Algebraical operations with real numbers 12.The number√2 13-14.Quadratic surds 15.The continuum 16.The continuous real variable 17.Sections of the real numbers. Dedekind's theorem 18.Points of accumulation 19.Weierstrass's theorem Miscellaneous examples CHAPTER Ⅱ FUNCTIONS OF REAL VARIABLES 20.The idea of a function 21.The graphical representation of functions. Coordinates 22.Polar coordinates 23.Polynomia s 24-25.Rational functions 26-27.Algebraical functions 28-29.Transcendental functions