——International Situation Faced by Chinas Marine Development
Sea Powers Show
“New Enclosure Movement”
“Telescope Ends” of Maritime Silk Road
——Retrospect and Prospect of Chinas Marine Policies
The Sun and the Moon, Rights and Duties
Chinas Seagoing Ships 500 Years Ago
The First Five-star Red Flag at Sea
Epoch-making Opening Up of the “Red” Ocean Gateway
Chinas Marine Strategy From a Global Perspective
Needs of 1.3 Billion People
——Chinas Marine Strategy in the 21st Century
Chinas Marine Thinking
Thinking “Route”
Bridges Options
Clean and Safe in the Long-term
——Characteristics of Chinas Marine Management
History of Chinas Marine Management
Current Institutional Structure
Local Agencies
Public Participation
Striding Forward to “Seamless” Administration
Abide by the “Ocean Charter”
Blending in with the “Global Family”
Junction of National Interests and the Wild Ocean
——Chinas Marine Law Enforcement
Chinas Marine Law Enforcement Force
Re-establishment of the State Oceanic Administration
Chinas Marine Law Enforcement System
Improving the Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) Ability
Maritime Law Enforcement Activities
Safeguarding and Expanding Chinas Maritime Rights and Interests
The Responsibilities of a Maritime Power Entrusted by History
——Chinas Maritime Status and Its Duties
Defending the National Maritime Rights and Interest
The Rules on Developing the Oceanic Economy
Atlantis Resonance in China
Protection and Use of Sea Islands
All-around Marine Public Service
Actively Participating in International Cooperation in Marine Affairs
Building a Sea Power with Chinese Characteristics
内容摘要 “中国海洋”丛书由国家海洋局海洋发展战略研究所专家编著。本套丛书属于“十二五”国家出版基金项目,内容既有中国海洋基本情况的介绍,又有针对性较强的海洋焦点问题探讨本套丛书是中国一部系统且直接面向海外受众的海洋图书,对中国海洋的真实状况和发展理念进行了解读。“中国海洋”丛书包含9本分册,有中文、英文两种版本,有助于国内和海外人士了解中国海洋的基本情况,进而对中国海洋发展的理念产生一定程度的认同感。 《和谐海洋 中国的海洋政策与海洋管理(英)》分为中国海洋事业发展面临的国际形势及特点、中国海洋政策回顾与展望、现阶段的海洋政策和海洋管理、中国的海洋执法以及建设中国特色海洋强国等六个部分,介绍中国为建设和谐海洋的所做的努力和贡献。This book is divided into six parts including the international situation and features China’s marine industry encounters, a review and of China’s maritime policies, maritime policies and administration in the current stage, China’s maritime law enforcement and the construction of maritime power of Chinese characteristics. This book introduces China’s efforts and contribution into building a harmonious ocean.