内容摘要 I Birkin s "nitro-glycerine," used in both explosives and the treatment of heart disease,neatly encapsulates the contradiction.Linguistic ties between Birkin and Loerke show the sculptor to be,in part,a caricature or ironic double of the ideologue.In "An Island," Birkin treats love as a relativistic phenomenon of no speaal account that one may or may not feel "according to circumstance".Loerke maintains that love is the same old instinct masquerading under a multiplicity of guises and that sexual choice is a matter of convenience as arbitrary as the difference between words for love in different languages.Birkin talks of love as an emotion too often idealized and absolutized,Loerke as an appetite that can be indiscriminately satisfied; but their irritation and boredom with the subject link them as critics of the prevailing ideology. They even use the same metaphor-a hat-to symbolize identity (as in Freud),albeit wit...