目录 《高三英语“以读促写”课堂教学指南:Students Book》 第一章 记叙文 Unit 1 Express Your True Feelings Unit 2 Parallelism in Narrative Writing 第二章 议论文 Unit 3 Metaphor Unit 4 Pros-and-Cons Writing Unit 5 Cause-and-Effect Writing Unit 6 "Where" to Find A Better "Coin"? Unit 7 Paragraph Writing in Argumentative Speech 第三章 应用文 Unit 8 Write a Letter of Suggestion Unit 9 Advantages and Disadvantages Analysis in the Form of a Letter Unit 10 A Thank-You Letter Unit 11 Give a Graduation Speech 第四章 图表文 Unit 12 Table Analysis 第五章 文学反思性写作 Unit 13 Write a Reflective Essay in Response to Literature 附录 《高三英语“以读促写”课堂教学指南:Teachers Book》 序 编者的话 第一章 记叙文 Unit l Express Your True Feelings Unit 2 Parallelism in Narrative Writing 第二章 议论文 Unit 3 Metaphor Unit 4 Pros-and-Cons Writing Unit 5 Cause-and-Effect Writing Unit 6 "Where" to Find A Better "Coin"? Unit 7 Paragraph Writing in Argumentative Speech 第三章 应用文 Unit 8 Write a Letter of Suggestion Unit 9 Advantages and Disadvantages Analysis in the Form of a Letter Unit 10 A Thank-You Letter Unit 11 Give a Graduation SpeechI 第四章 图表文 Unit 12 Table Analysis 第五章 文学反思性写作 Unit 13 Write a Reflective Essay in Response to Literature 附:教学PPI