目录 Preface. 1 The colloidal state Introduction Classification of colloidal systems Structural characteristics Preparation and purification of colloidal systems 2 Kinetic properties The motion of particles in liquid media Brownian motion and translational diffusion The ultracentrifuge Osmotic pressure Rotary Brownian motion 3 Optical properties Optical and electron microscopy Light scattering 4 Liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces Surface and interfacial tensions Adsorption and orientation at interfaces Association colloids-micelle formation Spreading Monomolecular films 5 The solid-gas interface Adsorption of gases and vapours on solids Compsition and structure of solid surfaces 6 The solid-liquid interface Contact angles and wetting Ore flotation Detergency Adsorption from solution 7 Charged interfaces The electric double layer Electrokinetic phenomena Electrokinetic theory 8 Colloid stability Lyophobic sols Systems containing lyophilic material Stability control 9 Rheology Introduction Viscosity Non-Newtonian flow Viscoelasticity 10 Emulsions and foams Oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions Foams Problems Answers References Index
内容摘要 鉴于一般物理化学教材和有关胶体与表面化学的专著中对胶体和表面化学基本原理论述简单、笼统,本书作者编写了这本教材以填补这一空白。书中详细论述了胶体和表面化学的各个方面,如胶态;动态性质;光学性质;液-气和液-液界面;固-气界面;固-液界面;带电界面;胶体稳定性;流变学;乳液和泡沫。可供大专院校化学系师生及有关科研人员参考。 This thoroughly updated edition continues to provide a concise overall coverage of colloid and surface chemistry, intermediate between the brief accounts in physical chemistry textbooks and the comprehensive coverage in specialized treatises. New information is included on the composition and structure of solid surfaces, dynamic light scattering, micro emulsions and colloid stability control. The book provides a sound, but easy to follow theoretical framework. It outlines relevant research techniques and considers technological applications. A basic knowledge of the principles of physical chemistry is assumed. It will appeal to a wide readership, both undergraduate and postgraduate students at universities and colleges of technology as well as scientists in industry who need a broad background in the subject.